I Am Forged In The Fires Of Fear
Another big shift is happening in my life.
I've gone through quite a few in the past year but this one's different. Most of those shifts have been internal, a shift in perspective. Others have been external based on decisions I made and took action on.
This one has been unfolding on its own. It's long and slow and it's happening now because of all the previous shifts I have made along the way. This is what I have been working towards. This is the next iteration of me on my path to manifesting my dreams beyond this goal of a million dollars.
What's funny is that right before this shift, I finally realized...
I was trying too hard
I've been so focused on my goals and making them manifest but that's not how this works. In fact, that's the opposite of how it works lol
I finally realized and decided to let go. I am still putting my dreams out there and visualizing what I want but I've stopped speaking to the universe and started listening. I'm letting life happen and paying close attention to the signs that are being offered to me.
Some of them are being shoved down my throat lol - but rather than fight it, I try to understand what it means and why these things are happening to me.
I'm scared, I'm nervous, but I'm not trying to fight it. I'm not trying to convince myself I'm something I'm not. It's okay to feel these things. This is a big shift and change is scary! They are keeping me focused and giving me clarity. They are here to help me, not discourage me.
My mantra is working
...I know and trust beyond all doubt that I am here for a reason. Every decision I've ever made has led me here. I regret nothing. There are no bad decisions, only lessons. All paths lead to the vision I have painted for my life and I am grateful <3
I don't have to overthink it or worry. I can just let go and know that this is part of the journey. I'm going where I want to go but I don't just show up at the finish line. I've got to walk the path and this is it. Life is a journey. It's exciting!
Every time fear crosses my path, I relearn that everything I desire is on the other side of that fear. I can let it push me back to the old me or I can face it head on and let it transform me. I am forged in the fires of fear.
But the most important lesson I've learned about fear is that there is nothing scarier than going back to something you're not. Going back and not getting what you truly want.
The universe is testing me but this is what I've been preparing for all along.
When I shift my perspective, I realize it's not that scary after all. This is a blessing. This is a sign. And one for which I am eternally grateful <3
Join me on this journey...
This journal is a nightly look into my experience of manifesting a million dollars - the good, the bad, and the ugly. I will continue writing three nights a week until I have achieved my goal.
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Here's to getting better and better every day : )