I AM NOT EMBARRASSED TO BE A DEMOCRAT! But I Am Embarrassed For The Party And The People Who Follow It.
Nelson Montana
Author / Music Producer, Composer, Arranger, Engineer and Multi Instrumentalist / Diet and Fitness Authority
?There have been two times in American history when a political party committed career suicide.? The first was back in the days of the Depression. Herbert Hoover was President and he was actually a skilled politician and a genuinely good man. But when the stock market crashed and the banks fell? he made the fatal mistake of vetoing government intervention. He thought? that it’ll all work itself out.? Oops.? A majority of the population sunk into abject poverty and Hoover got the blame. That resulted in a Republican not being elected to the White House for the next TWENTY YEARS. (32 Years if you include that Eisenhower was basically a Democrat who just ran as a Republican).??
The second time a political party catered its own funeral was last Tuesday. But in all fairness, it’s been tinkering with it for quite a while now. What amazes me is how so many of the members don’t even realize it.? It could be because it’s all shrouded in the hatred for Donald Trump. I won’t debate the merits or the missteps of that thinking because the demise of the party isn’t directly related to Trump. It’s a classic case of cutting off one’s nose to spite its face. The Democrats, in retaliation of Trump,? have decided to make themselves as unelectable as humanly possible.?
Think about it.?
Right from the start of Covid when Trump attempted to warn the public about the threat during his State of the Union address, Nancy Pelosi ripped it up in a grandstanding act of? resistance.? The people cheered.??
When Trump wanted to stop immigration from China, they called him a racist.? The congregation agreed.?
They demanded never before mandates in an attempt to subjugate the masses.? The public obeyed.?
They encouraged the George Floyd protests, which everyone knew would turn to rioting.? And the? crowd complied.?
With the help of a corrupt media they propped up a fool and lied about his incompetence.? And the party? believed it.?
But that all ended with the last election. And instead of regrouping and analyzing what went wrong, they decided to put the gun to their head and pull the trigger, thinking ‘“That’ll show ‘em!”.
We, the people… have had enough of men beating women in sports. The Dems support it.?
The people have had enough of sanctuary cities offering asylum to unvetted foreigners. The Dems support it.?
The people have had enough of bail reform which favors leniency for criminals, The Dems support it.?
The people have had enough of antisemitic rhetoric. The Dems support it.
The people have had enough of wasteful projects that cost billions and offer nothing? in return. The Dems support it.
The people have had enough of war. The Dems support it.?
And when Trump gave his victory lap at Congress, sure, he was boasting and exaggerating and it’s fine to find fault with that. But when acknowledging the death of a young girl killed by an illegal immigrant, the Democrats couldn’t bring themself to show any empathy –? that was too much of a sacrifice for them.? When a boy with brain cancer is given an award, they wouldn’t applaud. Instead they held up their little paddles with their petulant complaints. When billions of dollars in fraud was shown to be discovered which will eventually lessen the burden of the middle class taxpayer, they were too busy texting.? Who cares about THAT?? They showed the American people, in full bloom, that they are not only clueless, they are also uncaring, and incredibly stupid.?
I still believe in many of the tenets of genuine? progressive thought. Perhaps the deficiency in being the party of progressive ideas is that there really isn’t anything to be progressive about anymore.? That’s why when speaking to a hard core modern day liberal you’re? likely to hear accusations, insinuations, and paranoiac predictions, and then they go about making a point based on THOSE points!? And the default is always…TRUMP – BAD!
And it is those who still adhere to that for whom I am embarrassed – not as an defense or endorsement of Trump, but for the fact that they have allowed his? abrasive personality and questionable character make them look like utter idiots.?
And? therein is the reason for the polarization we have in this country today. It isn’t philosophy. It isn’t ideology. It isn’t even policy. ? It’s emotion. And it’s horribly misguided.?
Close the casket. Lower it into the ground. The Democratic party is dead and there won’t be a resurrection for a long time.?
Now it’s just a matter of how many people? keep drinking the Kool-Aid in an effort to join them.