I am a Dentist

I am a Dentist

You are someone feeling deep pain.

Only in this case it’s not deeply embedded in a molar, making you cry on one side of your face.

No, these tears of pain are being shed on the inside.

In that deeply-guarded secret place

Where your worries about money live.

You’re chugging along in life, making decently-good money running your own small business.

Self-employed.  Stickin’ it to the man. 

Because now “YOU da man.” (or of course, da woman).

Then, the pain sets in.

Which, in this case, is the pain of compliance with federal and state tax law.

We don’t like to think about these things.

Any more than we like to think about periodic dental cleanings.

I am a dentist.

I came to this colorful conclusion in my head because of the numerous similarities.

People wait until they’re already suffering to reach out to me in so many instances.

I have spoken to hundreds of people since I started this business, and I’ll be open about something here:

Easily more than half of them, maybe most of them, have reached out because it they are already in pain to some degree.

I think about the stories I hear, and I came to the conclusion one day that, “hey, I’m just like a dentist!”

People come to me in psychic gut-wrenching “what the hell do I do now” pain.

They come looking for the cure.

Or at the very least, the anesthesia. 

Like a shot of xylocaine, followed by a nasty rotted tooth extraction…

…the pain goes away, but at a cost, certainly.

But with the certain knowledge that the practitioner went about it in an approved and correct way.


I am a dentist.

I was on an IRS call for one of my clients, who’s situation goes back several years and thousands of dollars in back tax debt, and I happened to let my little metaphor slip with the Revenue Officer.

We both knew what the situation was, and I was enjoying a pretty human moment with her.

Most of the IRS folks that answer the phone are actually real human beings

Of course, like knowing where to stick that terrible needle in your gum to render you numb…

It helps if you know what to say, and what the lay of the land is. 

So, I was talking about how my client was a very decent person that just, like so many of his fellow Americans, gets lost in the labyrinth of Internal Revenue Code.

I happened to tell her that, yeah, I’m a dentist, people come to me only after they already need a root canal or an extraction.

Her reaction surprised me.  Genuine amusement.  In fact, out-loud laughter.

She said she had never heard that before, but hey folks, I’ve been living with this in my head for a lot of tax season this year.

I am a dentist.

You’ve hung in there with me this far…let’s play out the rest of my allegory here, shall we?

I’m here for you for the catastrophic surgery.  We call this Back Tax, which is a short-hand for back-tax resolution and representation.

This program will do all of it for you. 

You don’t have to go to one guy to get your prior-year returns done, and another for your offer-in-compromise.

We got you.

And for those in the minority – the forward-thinkers that believe in proactive planning and preventative care we have two major program choices for you:

CFO Services: we are your accountant for all things books and tax. 

You do you, and those money-making things you do.

We do bottom-line profitability for you. 

No more root canals!

The other program is similar, but without the bookkeeping.

Year-round tax saving services which we call STRAP.

In both cases, for those of you making about $60K net and growing saving you thousands of dollars in excess taxes are part of the deal.

Now, how’s that for anesthesia?  Heck, I’d call that the premier whitening and brightening program.

If you’ve enjoyed my little stroll down the path of comparative imagery…

…and you’d like to learn more about how you never have to sweat over your books and taxes again.

AND save money in the bargain?

Please reach out.

Fast relief is just an email or direct message away. 

Your teeth should never cause you pain again.

Neither should your business financials and taxes.


Eric Owings, EA, CSPPM的更多文章

