I Am A Culture Man

I Am A Culture Man

Labels limit and in fact not only limit those placed upon such a label but simultaneously limit the labeler. It is for this fact that we must always be wary of our labels and be in constant flux in an attitude of what was opposed to what may be willed. As we walk gently across the tightrope of life in the case of The Liar Lid – it shuts down and it is a due process of too many labels placed into another and therein on themselves. For all this stated heretofore, I must proclaim the following, I am not a coach and with that, I am to the contrary, a culture man of not solely the individual and their internal strife which limits themselves through their labeling and therefore a Liar Lid is formed. As the Liar Lid is formed, an architect is also in the respect to the idea that must be strung together so that the life or lie they lead is not so much a pity party for them or an award ceremony for them. Either outcome has an end we all know too well and it is not what Culture Matters was founded for. It is quite clearly stated as follows: a coach helps an individual bring out the best in themselves and a culture man brings out the worst in the individual so they may deal with the dark properly and exercise the right to overcome the evil. For it is the darkness in us that perpetuates greatness, success, or what can be coached. The label as a whole is limiting and the beginning of the end to the truth, but in this circumstance, a perfect storm for misappropriation as I, Jay Doran, The Culture Man, am no coach but a Cultural Architect which in turn does not coach but propagates internal angst, darkness, and one’s deficit. With the belief necessary for this influencer to self-actualize through their newly developed self-awareness will be delineated clearly so their endeavor whether it be business, group, family, office, company, country, community, or any at all ideology can then sway others with fake awareness resulting in high enrollment and retention. The role of a Cultural Architect is more of an advisor or a provocateur than a coach and with that, there is a responsibility necessary to be filled out. A label would surely limit what has been stated but the message is clear; we are liars. The truth lies within however, it is my role to be a culture man so others may not have to lie to themselves anymore. I am no coach but a culture man.


