I am continuum of consciousness
Ravi Shrivastav
Entrepreneur | Philosopher | Speaker & Teacher | Ex - NIT Kurukshetra
There are two parts to Life, perishable matterdriven by imperishable consciousness.
Consciousness never dies.
You will say “I have never heard such horse shit before. No one can escape the clutches of death”
This is absolutely right that not only we experience death, destruction of body but also severance of all our connections, relationships and material possessions with the universe.
Since we do not know “Who am I?” Therefore, we do not know “Who dies?”
Let us go back to our telephone. My phone number 9810163494 is a unique identification. The data of all my calls/SMS sent and received, all my movements and motions and messages and transactions carried by me is available on a server. As long as the phone is alive or On, I have no place to hide.
Imagine the phone is broken. My communication with the world ceases. I do not receive messages/calls/WhatsApp postings.Now, I get another telephone and insert the SIM with same number.
What happens? My phone is again alive with all the Data still available on my number 9810163494. It restarts the recordings.
When I die, like the telephone, I think I am finished. My relationships, my sorrows andsufferings, my ambitions and aspirations, my griefs and pains all come to an end.
The answer is No, No and NOOOOOOOO.
Our body is a community of fifty trillion pulsating cells, broadcasting and receiving information and just like the telephone, the cells of each one of us has a unique ID. All thoughts, emotions and feelings, actions and reactions are part of our consciousness, like signals of a telephone, are stored on space-time fabric of the universe. It is the law of physics that information is never lost and it cannot be destroyed. “I” is intelligence and information.
After disintegration of the physical body “we” still carries sorrows and sufferings, ambitions and aspirations, griefs and pains, regrets, hate, anger, jealousies and keeps experiencing them within the space-time fabric.
We are made up of vibratory physical structure encasing within it another vibratory field of consciousness, the “I”.
Death is cessation of physical vibratory field. But “I” is continuum of consciousness.
I am a physical structure with emotions and feelings. I have an identity based on my relationship with the universe. My experience is that story of my life ends with my death!!
If I am still alive then who is this “I”??
We are intelligence and information encased in energy particles.