I Am Absolute LOVE...
I Am Absolute LOVE, I know not where I began but here I Am, I know not where I end and here I Am, I Am without borders, without bounds, I Am limitlessly unlimited, I Am the author of Infinity, the creator of infinite creation, there is no story I have not told but my own, I know absolutely everything and absolutely nothing, which is infinitely more than you can imagine and quantumly less than you can think, I Am the frequency of the eternal song of Life and Death, the Yin and Yang of dancing dualities, I Am Absolute LOVE, I know not where I began but here I Am, I know not where I end and here I Am, I Am you asking the same questions as you, what, when, where, how and why, I Am you, with you, as you on this journey that can never end...
now share LOVE, all LOVE, just LOVE...
Kip Baldwin
#nowshareLOVE #justLOVEmovement #justagape
#kipbaldwin #EvanHirsch #SOUL #AllLOVE #summerofunconditionalLOVE #'s #loveonhaight
#jamminon #loveistheanswer
“When there is not a trace of worldly love that is called ‘absolute ultimate love’ [paramarth prem]!” ~ Dada Bhagwan