I Always Use 'The 16-Word Sales Letter' To Consistently Land Clients?-?Here's?How

I Always Use 'The 16-Word Sales Letter' To Consistently Land Clients?-?Here's?How

This is for you if you want to increase sales.

I’ve spent over two decades writing sales and marketing copy for my clients. I know a thing or two about what works?—?and what doesn’t. The one thing that has remained consistent over all these years is change.

Sales and marketing are ever-evolving along with target audiences.

There was a time when long, drawn-out sales copy was the thing. David Ogilvy, deemed by many as the greatest copywriter of all time, famously said, “Long copy sells more than short copy, particularly when you are asking the reader to spend a lot of money.”

That might have been true in Ogilvy’s time, but in today’s soundbite-obsessed world, long copy doesn’t cut it in marketing anymore. People want short, sweet, and to the point.

This is where the ‘16-Word Sales Letter’ comes in.?

The Secret of the 16-Word Sales?Letter

It’s simple. The secret to converting copy is to define the one belief and answer 10 questions.

That’s it. One belief. Ten questions.?

How to get to your Readers’ One?Belief

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”?—?Mike?Tyson

The saying goes, “If you want to make God laugh, have a plan.” The same goes for writing your sales copy. A lot of unpredictable things can happen in your business and marketing strategy.?

Yet, I continually see entrepreneurs write sales letters and emails that look like play-by-play instruction manuals?—?as if their plan will never be rendered useless.

The U.S. Army learned this after several failed missions. It finally invented a concept called “Commander’s Intent (CI).” The CI is stated at the top of every order specifying the desired end state of the operation. It guides each decision and action on the ground.

You must also use a Commander’s Intent to write your sales letters. That’s what “the one belief” is. With the one belief, you’ll know your mission?—?it’s your North Star guiding you to a high-converting sales letter.

You must make the reader believe this new opportunity you’re offering is the key to attaining their desire (end state), and it’s only attainable through your new mechanism or vehicle.

The New Opportunity

Russell Brunson perfected this method. He said, “If I can get someone to TRULY believe that this new opportunity is the key to what they want the most, and they can only get it through my vehicle, then they have no other option but to buy.”

Your new opportunity has to offer more than an improvement. “Lose weight” or “Get more followers” aren’t going to cut it. It has to be unique?—?and you have to explain why your reader needs it.?

It has to have proven benefits, mainly that it makes your prospect feel more significant, valued, and respected.

It has to help your prospects’ mental, emotional, physical, social, sexual, or financial well-being?—?or decrease or eliminate the risks that would negatively impact their well-being.

The New?Vehicle

Once your readers believe the new opportunity is the key to their desire, they must believe only you and your new vehicle can help them.

Everyone has heard everything at this point. New claims are nothing new. Repetition is old, and exaggeration is seen for the BS it is, so you need something new, something they haven’t heard before?—?a new way to make the old promises work.

You have to present a fresh chance, a brand-new possibility, and hope where only disappointment succeeded before.?

To put it all together in a “The One Belief” statement for your business as a Commander’s Intent, you need:

  1. New opportunity
  2. Desire
  3. New vehicle or mechanism

Here are some “The One Belief” statement examples:

The one belief for P90X:

“Avoiding the plateau effect (new opportunity) is the key to building muscle (desire), and it's attainable only through the P90X “muscle confusion” system (new vehicle).”

The one belief for Geoff Walker's Product Launch Formula:

“Warming up your prospects (new opportunity) is the key to successfully launching a new product online (desire), and it's only obtainable through Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula (new vehicle).”

The one belief for Invisalign:

“Aligning in your teeth without ugly braces (new opportunity) is the key to getting the smile you want without disrupting your life (desire), and it's attainable only through the Invisalign proprietary technology (new vehicle).”

My one belief statement:

“Creating AI content that converts without having to sacrifice quality or your voice (new opportunity) is the key to increasing sales (desire), and it’s attainable only through my AI Accelerator Program (new vehicle).”

So, think about the one belief for your offer and write down your “one belief” statement.

The 10 Questions

Question 1: How is this different from anything else I’ve seen? Inject dopamine into your prospect’s brain.

You must explain exactly what the new opportunity is. Our brains are wired for novelty. We get excited with something new?—?and bored when it gets old.

It's like the toy you got as a kid at Christmas. You loved it for like a week, then it sat in your closet. Your brain’s novelty center was ignited when you opened the present. It released dopamine into your brain.?

For your copy to convert, you need to inject dopamine into your prospects’ brains right out of the gate. You have to give them something they see as potentially new and rewarding so they feel they have to explore it and learn more.

How I apply this:?

Hey there! Thanks for inviting me into your inbox.?

I’ll introduce myself more in a minute.

But right now, I want you to imagine this:

What if you could unlock the secret to effortlessly creating “must buy now” messaging and copy that will skyrocket your business and profits?

At first, they thought I was going to go into this long dissertation about myself, but I switched things up?—?caused a mind shift?—?to a new opportunity that got them wanting to learn more.?

They don't care about me. They care about the opportunity and the fact that it holds the key to their desire.

Question 2: “What’s in it for me?”?

Do you know someone who just doesn’t listen? Maybe it’s your kids or a spouse? “Take out the trash!” “Clean your room!” “Do your homework!” These are more commands than trying to convince them to listen and take the desired action.

However, if you frame it in a “what’s in it for them” mentality, they’ll listen. Something like, “finish your homework, and you’ll get an ice cream cone.” Works every time.

The “what’s in it for me” concept is what the classic book “How To Win Friends and Influence Peopleis based upon. Focusing on the other person is Dale Carnegie's greatest secret to success.

You have to become genuinely interested in your prospects and communicate with them based on their interests.

Pro Tip: People LOVE to hear their name. It triggers a sense of recognition, validation, and personal connection, making them feel valued and seen.?

Your prospect’s name is the most important thing they can hear.

How I would apply this:

Quick question, Jenny.

What if you could increase your income by $20,000 per month with passive income strategies (perceived hard work) so you can make more, work less, and spend more time with your kids?” (perceived payoff)

Question 3: How do I know this is real? The burden of proof is on you.

At this point, your prospect might be skeptical. You need to show some proof that you can deliver on your promises. The best way to do this? Testimonials.?

Testimonials are powerful because they provide social proof, build trust, and show potential customers that real people have achieved success with you.

No testimonials? No Problem! There are other ways to show you know what you’re doing and can get them the results they desire?—?historical charts, past successes, demonstrating your process, etc.

How I apply this:

In my professional opinion, screenshots hold a little more weight for legitimacy because they’re perceived as coming straight from the horse’s mouth. But, third-party quotes work well too, like:

“I never fancied myself a writer. I was (as Kelly says) “allergic to grammar.” But Kelly’s mindset and messaging tools helped me move past this to create a plan of attack for creating ‘content that clicks!’ It is very exciting!”?—?Jennifer H.

Question 4: What’s holding you back? Create the enemy that’s standing in their way.

While accountability is important, people don’t want to take responsibility for their failures. They want someone else to be responsible.

The “what’s holding me back?” question justifies your prospects' failures by identifying the REAL PROBLEM.?

They’ve tried similar products or services and failed. They are looking for someone else to take that responsibility off their shoulders. That’s where you come in. You need to introduce the enemy?—?the REAL reason why past strategies or products didn’t work.

You are finally giving them the opportunity to replace what didn’t work in the past with a new and better vehicle.

How I apply this:

“If you tried to create sales copy that got nowhere or lost money on programs that didn’t work… It’s not your fault.

It’s because all other systems I’m aware of don’t get to the bottom of what’s holding you back.

They only give you a brief overview on mindset but don’t give you an understanding of what’s going on at the neurological and subconscious level so you can write profitable copy and create a thriving business.

By the time the program is over, you’re still feeling stuck and overwhelmed.”

The perceived enemy is the previous program that didn’t work because it clearly did not provide the tools and strategies needed to overcome any serious mindset issues.

Question 5: Who/What is to blame? To create the aforementioned enemy, you have to leverage existing beliefs.

Let’s be honest. Most of your potential buyers have been through other programs and distrust anything that sounds like them.

If you are in the anti-aging supplement niche, your prospects see pharmaceutical companies as the greedy enemy.

You have to get ahead of that, get on their side, and fight the good fight along with them, or better yet, lead them through it.

How I apply this:

“Remember when online entrepreneurship became a thing, and everyone and their brother promised instant riches?

…Even though they would try to glaze over their 'get rich quick’ scheme by saying it wasn’t a get-rich-quick scheme?

Well, everyday, entrepreneurs like you and me have always wanted to (ethically) make more and work less, right?

It seems like only those with thousands of followers can get rich off one email or YouTube video.

The person just starting their business with major hopes and dreams felt left out in the cold.

That seemingly rigged game ends today…

Who is the perceived enemy? Those with thousands of followers.?

Question 6: Why now? It’s the Law of Inertia?—?an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

People tend to stay in their current state (inaction) unless something compels them to act. There are reasons you get out of bed every morning. If you don’t, there are consequences?—?the dog doesn’t get fed or let outside, then potties in the house.

You don’t go to work, don’t get paid, don’t pay your rent or mortgage, then you’re homeless.

You need to plant the seed in your prospect’s head that he or she is facing an “either/or” situation.

Either they act now, or they lose everything.

How Marie Forleo applies this method in her B-School emails:

“You’ve already done more than most. You showed up, you got clear on what you want, and you saw exactly what’s possible for you and your business.

Now, it all comes down to one thing: Will you act on it?

Because let’s be real. You have two choices right now:

  1. You take action?—?you back yourself, step up, and start building the business you dream about.
  2. You wait?—?telling yourself “maybe later” while another year passes and nothing changes.

There’s zero mystery about what makes someone successful. It’s not talent. Not luck. Not timing.

It’s action.”

Love her!

Question 7: Why should I trust you? Credibility is everything.

One of the best ways to establish trust with your prospects is through storylines. Three main storylines work best for establishing authority:

(1) “I’ve been in your shoes” storyline = “She/he so gets me!” You are talking about their deepest desires through your own story.?

Here’s mine:

“You see, when I started my first company, I ran around in circles, trying to figure out how I was going to create compelling messaging and market myself?—?and that was in 2002!

Now I’m in my 50’s, and everything I first learned about marketing has changed?—?social media, technology, audiences…

So, I had to adapt and evolve if I wanted my business to continue to grow.

Then, 2020 hit. I lost everything.

I couldn’t afford expensive mentors or costly masterminds. But I WANTED to have a thriving business…”

The reader is now thinking, “OMG!! Me too!!”

(2) The Robin Hood storyline?—?Stealing from the rich to give to the poor. You are “stealing” a secret from the rich and giving it to your reader.

Here’s mine:

“I’ve spent most of my life as a PR professional, marketer, and copywriter. As a 30-year-old entrepreneur (in 2002), I was already making six figures a year.?

I bought an expensive home and traveled all over the world, but no matter how much money I made, I wasn’t happy with where I was in my life and business.

Catering to the finicky media and cheap, high-maintenance clients just to pay the bills and maintain my lifestyle wasn’t fulfilling.

I felt like I was always treading water.

“Trading time for money, late paying clients, clients who expected a Bentley but only wanted to pay for a Prius.”

“Feeling under-valued, unappreciated, and disrespected…”

So, after years of dealing with this lack of fulfillment, stress, and frustration, I had finally had enough!

But I took one secret with me… One that I’ve never revealed to anyone until today."?

Reader: “Ooohhh!! What’s this super double insider-only secret I’m now privy to? Tell me more!”

(3) The Expert Storyline?—?Position yourself as the guru on the mountain.

Here’s mine:

“When I started my PR agency 22 years ago and received multiple PR and marketing campaign awards…

And landed global brands like Apple, Tony Hawk, and EY as clients…

And even got startups in the likes of Forbes, Fortune, InStyle, and TechCrunch.

Now they know I know my stuff and have achieved a lot, so they feel confident that I am fully capable of helping them with their desires.

Pro Tip: Your storylines are all about creating the know, like, and trust factor. Get this, and your prospect should be emotionally sold.

Oh, and be careful when/how you use your guru on the mountain messaging. You don't want your prospect to perceive the goal as too far out of reach and unattainable.

Question 8: How does it work? You have to be able to explain it logically so your prospect understands exactly how your new vehicle gives him or her the result you're promising.

If you tap into your prospects’ existing beliefs, even better.

Here’s mine:

“Are you busting your butt but still not making the money you deserve?

Like literally thousands of dollars more you could (and should) be making each month?

In order to do this, it’s important to understand your beliefs around making this kind of money.

The first thing you should know is it doesn’t come from some marketing program?—?even though this is a marketing program.

The money comes from first creating abundance in your mind.

Marketing programs simply give you the tactics to follow. Those who have succeeded beyond their wildest dream first got it right in their minds.

In fact, they were in your shoes once but had a massive mindset shift that caused them to believe so much in themselves and their capabilities that they wouldn’t let anything stop them.

Nor should you.

Why turn your back on creating a thriving business and exciting life when it’s right there, ready for the taking?

When you stop sabotaging your success, you’ll start seeing MIND-BLOWING results.

Makes sense, right?

Question #9. How do I get started? Create an offer so mouth-watering good they can’t say no.

This includes putting a HUGE gap between price and value.?

Myron Golden says, “The key difference between price and value is simple: value should always be 10x the price! If the value you provide is worth 10 times the price, people will always be ready to buy.”

To do this, you need to create premiums that complement the main offer.

For example, when you see an offer with $23,497 worth of bonuses for only $1997, you think it’s a steal. It’s hard to pass up.

Have your baseline offer, then throw in a bunch of extra bonuses and value stack. BUT?—?don’t overstack! You don't want to convolute your offer with a bunch of bonuses that start to overwhelm your prospect. Quality over quantity, always.

Throw in a guarantee (risk reversal), and your prospects will be blowing up your Stripe account.

Question #10: What do I have to lose? Go back to the either/or scenario.

Remind your prospect how your new opportunity is the key to what they desire, and it's only obtainable through your new vehicle.

Then crank up the pain levels by painting a picture of how their life will remain the same if they don't act with you now. Whatever problem they have, it will not be solved.

Here’s Marie’s (cuz we’re on a first-name basis now, ya know) for a webinar promoting B-school:

“I know what you’re thinking, Kelly…

“Another business training? Haven’t I heard all of this before?”

I get it. You’ve probably seen a ton of free webinars promising the secret to success.

But here’s the real question: If all that advice actually worked… wouldn’t you already be where you want to be?

This is different.

No fluff. No “hustle harder” BS. Just strategies that actually work in 2025.

At the end (of this webinar), I’ve got something extra special for you?—?a simple strategy that’s helped B-Schoolers make thousands of dollars in extra cash FAST. (I’m talking 48 hours fast!)

Look, you can keep doing what you’ve been doing?—?or you can see what’s actually working right now.

I promise this will be worth your time.”

Why this works:

  • Marie has a shit-ton of credibility.
  • She presents an enemy (other business training programs).
  • She leverages the “I’ve been in your shoes/She so gets me” storyline.
  • She used the “why now?” either/or scenario.
  • She’s letting the reader in on a secret (a simple strategy that’s helped B-Schoolers make thousands of dollars in extra cash FAST).

Marie’s insane credibility aside, you can use these same tactics in your sales letters and emails.

Copywriting can be very complex, especially if you think you’re “not a writer” or bad at writing. The truth is, you don’t need to be a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer or a grammarian to write copy that sells.

With these tactics above, you can write click-worthy copy that will get your audience to believe you are the key to their desires and will gladly give you their credit card.

?? I teach entrepreneurs 50+ how to create an unbreakable mindset and a thriving business and life. Click here to join my email list?


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