Hypothyroidism is a condition in which thyroid gland does not secret enough thyroid hormone to meet your body’s needs, in other words it is underactive. Thyroid is a small, butterfly shaped endocrine gland located in front of the neck, just above where collarbones meet. Thyroid gland makes two important hormones T3 (triiodothyronine and T4 (tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine) that control the way every cell in the body uses energy and regulate many of the body’s most important functions. That is basal metabolism rate (BMR) slows down. Iodine as we all know is an essential nutrient required by our body. Iodine present in the blood is taken up by the thyroid gland to make hormones T3 and T4. The uptake of iodine from the blood, formation of the hormones and their release are stimulated by TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which is secreted by anterior pituitary gland located at the base of the brain. Hypothyroidism may lead to various health problems, from your brain to your skin. Yet the condition is different in everyone. Some develop mild symptoms and some develop severe symptoms. The more severe the condition is, the greater is weight gain in the individual, however weight gain develops over a long period of time.
TSH tends to rise as you age making subclinical hypothyroidism more prevalent in older adults. Women are more likely to develop hypothyroidism than men. Reasons aren’t entirely clear about it but researchers suspect female hormone estrogen may play a role. Women feel more psychological distress, more medical problems as they are more sensitive to interpersonal relationships. They also experience specific form of depression related illness including premenstrual depression and anxiety associated with changes in ovarian hormones. Decrease in the level of estrogen hormone may increase the risk for depression.
Functions of thyroid gland:
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism: ?Blood tests are the only way to confirm diagnosis of hypothyroidism as there is a spectrum of thyroid diseases. It has many symptoms that can vary from person to person. Some of the common symptoms are
Elevated TSH levels when left untreated may slows down the heart rate and weakens heartbeat, making heart pumping out blood less efficiently and can raise blood pressure and other heart diseases.
Untreated hypothyroidism can cause peripheral neuropathy. Its symptoms include numbness, tingling pain, or burning sensation in the affected parts of the body. Sadness or Depression, inappropriate moods.
Hypothyroidism can weaken the muscles used for breathing, as a result person may feel short of breath or have trouble exercising.
Hypothyroidism slows down the movement of food through stomach and intestines which can lead to heartburn, constipation and bloating.
Women with hypothyroidism may experience irregular, heavy or missed periods. They may have trouble in getting pregnant or more likely to have a miscarriage in case they do get pregnant. During pregnancy, a blood TSH level is considered elevated when it exceeds 2.5mlU/L in the second and third trimester. Proper thyroid levels are necessary for fetal brain and nervous system development.
Because too little thyroid hormone slows down your metabolism and one may experience general symptoms like:
Fatigue or general sluggishness of all body processes.
Weight gain
Depression, Impaired memory
Dry skin, dry thinning hair
Cold fingers and toes, Sensitivity to cold (wearing sweater when others are wearing T-shirt).
Joint pain and stiffness
muscle stiffness, aches and tenderness
Hoarseness of voice
Just because hypothyroidism develops slowly, one may not notice the symptoms of the disease for months together. Many of the symptoms like fatigue and weight gain are non-specific, meaning they can be present in individuals with normal thyroid function and not related to subclinical hypothyroidism. The symptoms are sometimes difficult to identify.
Subclinical hypothyroidism is the mild form of the condition and is diagnosed with a blood test. Since amounts of TSH in the blood can fluctuate, the test may need to be repeated after few months to see if the TSH levels have normalized.
Goiter or enlargement of thyroid gland is one of the critical manifestations of iodine deficiency. Goiter is a different condition than hypothyroidism.?In early stages they do not cause any symptoms, but if they become large than individual can experience symptoms like a feeling of tightness in your throat, coughing, hoarse voice and may make breathing and swallowing more challenging.
?Iodine is important micronutrient required by our body for the formation of thyroid hormone and is naturally present in some foods i.e., fish, eggs, dairy products, fortified salt, bread, pasta, cheese etc. Fruits and vegetables are generally poor sources of iodine as they are affected by the iodine content of the soil, fertilizers use and irrigation practices. We need only very small amount, 1 mg. per week for the formation of tri-iodothyroxine and thyroxin. Sometimes, it is possible that in spite of adequate intake of iodine, there is a deficiency of iodine in the body. Now this happens due to presence of certain anti-thyroid substances like thiocyanates and goitrogens present in certain foods when consumed in excess, they interfere with the function of thyroid gland. These anti-thyroid substances reduce the uptake of iodine by thyroid cells. Some of the foods that contain goitrogens are cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, soy-based foods, starchy plants. However, cooking, steaming, baking or sautéing deactivates the enzymes responsible for releasing goitrogens. Consuming these foods in cooked form and in moderation should be safe for everyone even for those who have thyroid problems. Incidentally, most foods that contain goitrogens happen to be quite nutritious.
There are 2 types of goiters
The treatment options for goiter vary depending on the type of nodule. Surgery is also one option if the nodule is too large as they don’t shrink on their own.
Types of hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism has several causes including -
Hashimoto’s disease – an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system attacks healthy thyroid tissues, TPO and TSH receptors. The thyroid becomes inflamed and cannot make enough thyroid hormones. Antibody tests are done to check whether person is antibody TPO positive. If it is positive than they need medication lifelong. But if they are antibody negative than it is due to simple hormonal imbalance in which TSH is high and T3 And T4 are low. This particular condition due to hormonal imbalance can be reversed by modification in lifestyle, managing stress levels and diet.
Secondary hypothyroidism: If the problem is in pituitary gland which is controlled by hypothalamus, T3, T4 and TSH all hormone levels are below normal.
Congenital hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism that is present at birth.
If one has undergone radiation therapy of the head or neck due to presence of tumor, then this may lead to hypothyroidism.
Several medications may lead to lower thyroid hormone production. These include one to treat psychological disorders, cancer or heart diseases.
Once you are treated for this condition, that is thyroid levels are restored it becomes easier to lose any weight that you gained during this condition, as body’s ability to manage weight returns to normal.
?Our body naturally goes through changes as we get older. If you notice some significant changes how you feel or how body is responding, see your doctor it could be hypothyroidism
Studies show that dietary and lifestyle changes can have a beneficial effect on TSH and thyroid function. Good news is that early hypothyroidism can be cured by reducing stress levels and making lifestyle and dietary changes. Support your body with balanced diet of whole grains, beans, lean proteins and colorful fruits and vegetables. Monitor your intake of soy products as it hinders absorption of thyroid hormones. ?Start your day with good breakfast, low in sugar, low in fat but high in protein and fiber. Practice mindful eating, that is take time to sit and enjoy your meal which will help your body digest food better. Sticking to healthy diet and portion control can prevent the weight gain that often comes with underactive thyroid. Try to get good quality sleep each night and take time to relax, reduce your stress levels by practicing meditation and yoga. All this will improve your overall health as well as your thyroid.
Please do not take your thyroid medication with other supplements as they can interfere with its absorption. It is best to take on an empty stomach and without other medications.?