Acknowledging and removing the film of hypocrisy will empower an individual to seriously consider adherence to the the truth, thus causing one to make better decisions and experience the upward mobility of prosperous living.
When I think of film, I'm reminded of the various perspectives that can alter and distort vision. Some examples include people (including yourself), aluminum foil, cloth, plastic wrap, wax paper, etc. And even though these products provide some type of vision, the truth of vision will always be partially covered; causing you to never see the full truth. Sometimes people allow these films to remain because of their fear of accepting and seeing the truth. But know this; the truth will always stand firm.
You as an individual deserve to experience the knowledge of the entire film-free truth regarding your life; because it's the only way you will truly become who you were meant to be. So in conclusion; embrace all truth, remove any film that distorts the true vision of site and begin to begin again without these hypocritical films.