Hypnotize Your Way to a Perfect Plie: Using Hypnosis to Elevate Your Ballet Technique….
It is evident that you understand the devotion, precision, and dedication needed to cultivate poise in dance. Even the most hardworking dancers can hit a wall in their training, yet when you hear phrases such as Chaseé, Pas de Bourrée, Glissade, Jeté and Pas de Chat - your creative spirit may take flight. Picture yourself executing these agile movements with graceful ease! However, if I inquired for you to put on your pointe shoes and dance four échappé movements and four En Croix in a rhythm of 2/4, you would be required to concentrate on maintaining balance while accentuating the end of each toe. When the music shifts to a ? time signature, you must adjust your movements and put your hands on your hips in order to emphasize the echappe with more force instead of agility. To successfully perform a echappe en pointe requires both precision and delicacy, demonstrating your deep commitment to the art of ballet. Additionally, having mastered this difficult feat likely means that you're devotedly watching what you eat as well as donning oddly-shaped toes! Despite it all, you happily accept these idiosyncrasies and maybe someday will even take up yoga to undo the effects of extreme turnout and unconventional toe positions.
Through the power of hypnosis, dancers can overcome their self-limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. For example, a ballet dancer may be beset by feelings of inadequacy or inferiority when attempting to learn a new move. Hypnosis offers an effective solution that helps to dismantle these restricting mental blocks and unlock one's full potential as a dancer. Hypnotherapy provides an effective solution to handle performance anxiety, a common concern among dancers. Hypnosis enables us to relax and concentrate on the task at hand; it can enable you to give your best performance during critical moments, as well as enhance your 'dance memory' for recalling dance moves more easily.
Now, you might be thinking, "But I'm not a professional ballet dancer, I just dance for fun!" That's perfectly fine!
The most effective way hypnosis can help ballerinas is through visualization techniques.
Just like Dr. Bernie Siegel, mentioned? in his book Peace, Love and Healing, Children are great in imagining their illnesses away, because they haven’t yet made the distinction between real and imagination.?
It's not uncommon for children to see fairies, or gnomes when they are playing in the garden - your brain in hardwired at a certain age to have strong visualization capability.?You should have hologram visualisation capabilities because you are spectacular, even if you don't believe it yourself!
Talented painters such as Leonardo Da Vinci were formerly pupils of the famous Italian mathematician, Pacioli. Through his guidance, they acquired the ability to visualize 5 Platonic shapes with transparency and precision.…The well-known spiritual practice, Corpo Transparente, was popularly practiced in the Renaissance period. As you may be aware of, all five Platonic shapes are formed from a point, line and plane - so with this exercise one can construct their shape.
Acknowledging beauty in form or motion is an art. Every notion of beauty encapsulates that a thing seen as beautiful also exudes harmony and equilibrium.? Mathematicians have long regarded the concept of beauty as the 'golden measure'. Research has demonstrated that when our eye detects an object in one portion of our retinal field, it diminishes receptivity to another area in a golden ratio of 62 percent to 38 percent.
We all understand that the real key to mastering a perfect plie lies in dedication and practice—oh, plus perhaps a nice pair of ballet slippers. But if hypnotherapy can offer you an added boost, why not give it a shot?
Visualization techniques
Have you ever gazed at a tree in the sunshine, and then looked away to be greeted by an imprint of it on your eyelids? You can train yourself to further enhance this visionary experience with a white wall. Begin with drawing a large cross using black ink - its clear outline will make it easier for you to visualize effectively. Focus on the image for two minutes and then gaze at a blank wall. How long are you able to maintain the vision? The shape will eventually diminish, yet do you possess any control over extending its duration?
If you have difficulty visualizing, attempt to use this example: consider that there are bees in the room. Now, I'm certain your skin will feel a bit fuzzy and itchy or prickly as you think about it. When envisioning a grand jete, it may seem simple to fly in the air and do a split. However, by transferring that visual into an emotion - just like bees flying - you will discover how effortless and freeing this move can be!
Through Overtime, your visualizations for ballet become sensations—as if invisible holograms are transmitting feelings. This allows you to sensationalize how you want to perform a pirouette en dehors or en dedans, coupe, petite pique and pas de bourrée just as easily as detourne and releve. And I can only imagine someone like you graceful, elegant perfect and want to step up your inner grace to its full human potential? Now, you might be thinking, "I'm none of those things!" Absolutely! Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for allowing you to accept compliments, however it's not a miracle solution that will make you an expert ballerina in no time. With the right attitude and perseverance, you will be executing like a professional dancer in no time. With dedication and hard work comes great rewards; so don't give up on yourself!
When you are ready to take the stage, use this script for optimal results
Begin by visualizing yourself on the side of the stage. As soon as you hear applause signaling that it is your turn, start to relax and check your body for any tension or anxiety. If detected, release it immediately. You can then calmly step into the spotlight and deliver a stunning performance!
Now, center your awareness on your breath. As you inhale deeply and allow the air to linger in your lungs for three seconds, simultaneously think of the words "I am calm, I am relaxed and I am confident". With each exhale feel yourself become more tranquil as those comforting phrases consistently repeat themselves in your mind's eye; ultimately enabling you to enter into a state of peace. With each breath, use your cue words to create a potent post-hypnotic response. As an extra boost, repeat these words for three seconds in your head every time you inhale and exhale. To experience the greatest benefit from this exercise, do it twice more - become confident and stay composed!
Take center stage and greet the eager audience with confidence! As you make your way onto the platform, keep your chin up and move purposefully. You are about to captivate them in a riveting performance. You're standing in the spotlight, under a blazing beam of light, feeling alive and confident. The audience is attentive to you - their faces show interest as they hang onto your every word. You bask in these moments of clarity; it's all part of this beautiful experience! Some people are concentrating on you so hard that their faces are tight, while others are smiling—they're enjoying themselves here, watching and listening to you. Some people have a glazed look in their eyes, and you realize that they are mesmerized—hypnotized—fascinated by you and your act.? The sense of accomplishment and pride you feel right now is well-deserved. Now, take a few moments to imagine yourself performing your act - be it a song, speech or something else - professionally and confidently as if on the very stage where you will soon stand. Visualize yourself looking amazing with poise and assurance that radiates from within.
Your show-stopping performance is drawing to a close, and the crowd erupts with thunderous applause. People are clapping their hands enthusiastically as they bask in admiration of your remarkable act. You've truly made an impression on them; you can hear it in their cheers for more! Witnessing this outpour of adoration fills you with pride - there's no denying that you have achieved greatness tonight! As you leave the stage, your heart is racing and confidence soaring. You know that when you come to perform again, all will go well as long as you remember a few key things: take deep breaths and hold them for three seconds; repeat in your head “I am calm, I am relaxed and I am confident” – words of assurance that will give you strength no matter what lies ahead. And with this mindset firmly set within yourself, nothing can stop you from feeling on top of the world!