Hypnosis Shutdown
It's a warm June 2009 morning around 8:30 am, and my phone rings.
"Hello Mr. Shurr. My name is xxxxx and I'm a Hypnotherapist in Southern Indiana. Have you heard about the new laws that are going into effect that might put us out of business?"
I had not heard anything like that and assured the person that we would all be okay.
At 10am, 11am, and 3pm, my phone rang again as other Hypnotists around the state called to ask if I knew what was happening.
Up until then, I wasn't concerned.
But now, I was starting to worry myself.
I got as much information as possible from each of the Hypnotists who called me, so that I could look into it.
To make a long, incredibly frustrating story short, a group of Hypnotists, one of whom was friendly with a state Senator, managed to organize a state bill that would shut down any Hypnotherapist from practicing in Indiana unless they had received certification hours from an Indiana state-approved hypnosis school.
Then, I received a letter from the only state-approved school in Indiana reporting that if you wanted to continue doing business as a Hypnotherapist in Indiana, you had to attend their school.
Like most of us, the Hypnosis practice that I had been operating since 1995 was my family's only source of income, so I attended that school, and it was terrible!
The techniques taught were outdated and ego-based, and the male instructor spent more time flirting with the female students than teaching.
The most offensive part was that the guy who got his Senator pal to pass that bill...well...his wife owned that approved Hypnosis School.
How convenient.
We got blackmailed into attending.
Many of us were "grandfathered" in and allowed to practice because we paid up by attending that shady school.
But when the law did go into effect, their school was closed down due to the ethical conflict.
That meant if you weren't already a Hypnotherapist in Indiana, you could NOT become one.
My coach at the time urged me to open a new Hypnosis school that raised the bar for training highly-skilled professional Hypnotherapists.
But that was no easy task, and I was challenged by that group of bill-passing hypnotists every step of the way.
(Still trying to keep this story short) After dozens of committee meetings, numerous attorneys, investing hundreds of hours and dollars, and jumping through a gazillion hoops ...
... I made history by getting Indiana to approve my intensive curriculum of 500-classroom hours of Hypnotism education, which reopened the Hypnosis profession in our state.
Although the laws and opposing unethical hypnotists faded away, my school stood the test of time, and while teaching at the?Hypnotism Academy of Indiana,?I produced some of the most talented Hypnotherapists in the world.
I'm going to introduce you to some of them tomorrow.
Thanks for reading all the way to the end.
If you think this email was long, you would have hated all the "hypnosis committee meetings" I sat through. Yuck!
:) Tim Shurr, MA, CI, CHt
PS, After six years of being asked, "Can you train me to do what you do?" the answer is finally, "YES!"?Click here to be the first to know when the doors to my?history-making?Hypnotism Academy open this spring!