Hypnosis 101

Hypnosis 101

The Hypnotist relaxes the mind and body of the subject undergoing hypnosis. some people say all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, whatever the case we always feel at peace with a calm breath in us after entering hypnosis.

With hypnosis you can. In fact, specific behavior change is the most common use of hypnosis. Most people try to make behavior changes based on self-discipline and will power. The problem is this is an inefficient and ineffective way to facilite long-term change. Hypnosis is much more effective.?

How It Feels To Be Hypnotized

?I’m sure you have seen zombie-like characters in the movies and on television who are supposedly in a hypnotic state of mind. This common misconception can create resistance for those who are being hypnotized for the first time. It can be hard to allow yourself to relax if you think that under hypnosis you surrender all control of your behaviors to the hypnotist. In fact, when you are hypnotized, you are in more control than when you’re in the normal daily state. You become internally focused, and your surrounding environment becomes less important and insignificant. If for any reason there were an emergency or your attention was needed, you would immediately emerge yourself to respond appropriately. Emerge means to come to a full waking state. People in a hypnotized state may appear to be asleep, but the biological state of sleep is very different from hypnosis. While your body is relaxed, your mind will be fully alert and aware of the suggestions it is receiving. All outside stimuli will become irrelevant. Your focus will be directly on the words of the suggestions you are receiving and your breathing will be light and rhythmic. You may have a distorted sense of time. You may feel like you have been in hypnosis for just a couple minutes, even if it has been sixty to ninety minutes. Now that you know what it feels like, it’s time to learn….

Everyone can be hypnotized

in a therapeutic setting. For the sake of this article, let’s say you’re a licensed hypnotist, you have prepared the proper induction and you’re ready to have a hypnosis session. Positive and Negative Subconscious Qualities Since we’re deeply rooted in our DNA to crave food, our subconscious brain has an automatic and strong reaction to to food to avoid eating anything while our conscious mind is still active. It doesn’t mean that you’ve suddenly become a fussy eater, yet if you’ve had frequent breakfasts or meals in general at a young age or when you were younger you may have experienced a demand from your subconscious to eat something “good”,” nutritious or “filling.” If an appropriate cue is given to — eat — food that “matches” your taste preferences and those of your subconscious — you will have a behavioral reaction and find food much easier to dispose of. However, if the same food “doesn’t” taste right to you — or even right to your subconscious, an unanticipated negative reaction may ensue due to your inherent sense of “unknowfulness.” When you’re in a hypnotic trance you can identify this by the term “negative psyche”. And just as a flogging will raise your emotional charge, so a flogging or embarrassing remark will raise your negative psyche. Just as when you entered trance the negative mindset around you disappears. An exception to this exception is when you are eating a full meal (e.g., breakfast) and the hypnotist only raises your emotional charge when your subconscious discredits/objectifies the food you have just consumed. In this case, your subconscious discredits only what has been eaten. Remember, when you enter hypnosis the food (food) is not there, you merely react to it. Each time you enter an hypnotic state your negative psyche is brought to the surface and is judging you for having an unplanned or undesired behavior. A great hypnotist will allow an appropriate cue for a short period to bring the subconscious out to check up on you and has the free reign to critique any behavior you’re participating in without your input. If any words seem to be off, your negative psyche will start attacking you (and you) verbally. How to Ask for the Right Hypnosis Dose You may have come across dozens of questions on the internet that share exactly what online hypnotherapy programs are offering. Self-hypnosis programs are not that different from more traditional ones. You simply select a prompt, you are introduced to what being hypnotized is like and let the hypnosis guide you.


Hypnosis slips you off to peace

without warning. Hypnosis is an incredibly relaxing state of mind. These positive mental effects are hard to resist, but breaking the habit of positive thinking can be difficult. Once you decide to accept a suggestion you will realize you are within seconds of being disbelieved. The next moment, the brain will catch up with the bluffs you just told yourself. There are thousands of suggestions produced by hypnosis. If you are not careful, you will have a very difficult time remembering all of them. As the lines between reality and illusion blur, arguing about a suggestion with your subconscious is a very confusing experience. I truly believe that any ailment or problem is within the (and necessarily controllable) influence of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis frees us to be ourselves. It helps us be aware of and more aware of who we are and how we react in life. I have met many people who have used hypnosis to achieve outstanding results. We are able to be more mentally present for others and ourselves, less anxious, more focused, more creative, more rational, more open and more loving. Hypnosis reduces stress, increases the depth of focus, creates a feeling of calm and increases self-confidence. These positive effects are powerful and long-lasting. Just a few of the benefits of using hypnosis on a regular basis are allowed to be found through hypnosis and I usually have to remind all my clients that the habit affects all areas of their lives. However, its effect on the subconscious mind is more pronounced. Let's explore each objection that may be raised against hypnosis. Hypnosis is a Common Experience Having a conversation with a confident hypnotist can be quite intimidating at the start. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you're afraid of being strapped to a hypnosis machine. Make sure you understand everything about the process and the algorithm before you ever sit in front of the hypnosis machine. Trust but Verify! But not every hypnosis is easy, and not every area of your life is closed off. Professional hypnosis training is extremely helpful in this respect. For your own comfort, you’ll need to have a lot confidence to maintain your natural performance. It requires serious effort, and alarm in order to succumb to suggestions. An interesting discussion to get used to is, “It is so great to be relaxed and at ease. Do you know anything I can do to relax?’ I guess that nothing I say or do will be enough to bring you to the point you want to put down your flying shoes and run the other way.


You always have a choice to accept the suggestions

or not. You always have a choice to reject the suggestions or stop the session early. Getting Help In Hypnosis Now that we know what hypnosis really is, how do we get it? Hypnosis is a real practice where healers, psychologists, and mediums of different skill levels and specialties work together. Your commitment to the process must be top of your list. Find as many professional help sources as possible, and start implementing suggestions to improve your self-esteem, reach new levels in motivation and confidence, and discover your personalLightness in life.

The Hypnotist relaxes the mind and body of the subject undergoing hypnosis. some people say all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, whatever the case we always feel at peace with a calm breath in us after entering hypnosis.

With hypnosis you can. In fact, target-specific behavior change is the most common use of hypnosis. Most people try to make behavior changes based on self-discipline and willpower. The problem is this is an inefficient and ineffective way to facilitate long-term change. Hypnosis is much more effective.

How It Feels To Be Hypnotized

I’m sure you have seen zombie-like characters in the movies and on television who are supposedly in a hypnotic state of mind. This common misconception can create resistance for those who are being hypnotized for the first time. It can be hard to allow yourself to relax if you think that under hypnosis you surrender all control of your behaviors to the hypnotist. In fact, when you are hypnotized, you are in more control than when you’re in the normal daily state. You become internally focused, and your surrounding environment becomes less important and insignificant. If for any reason there were an emergency or your attention was needed, you would immediately emerge yourself to respond appropriately. Emerge means to come to a full waking state. People in a hypnotized state may appear to be asleep, but the biological state of sleep is very different from hypnosis. While your body is relaxed, your mind will be fully alert and aware of the suggestions it is receiving. All outside stimuli will become irrelevant. Your focus will be directly on the words of the suggestions you are receiving and your breathing will be light and rhythmic. You may have a distorted sense of time. You may feel like you have been in hypnosis for just a couple minutes, even if it has been sixty to ninety minutes. Now that you know what it feels like, it’s time to learn….

Everyone can be hypnotized

if they like. Like exercising — people may start out hypnotized, increase their progress, and then move on to a gradual hypnotic practice. Personally, I found it easier to learn by doing. Some say that the more you do it the easier it becomes. Other suggest that the less you do it the more effort it will take. Myself, I found that hypnotism is a continuous and progressive process. As I progressed, I found that the numbing effects of the first stage become weaker. It is important to spend some time in this stage to fully grasp the concept. Of course, I would advise people to seek professional help if they want to learn all the techniques well. The Power Of The Language When we say to someone, “Drop your pants and spread your legs…” the narrative is immediately done. It seems so natural and ordinary. But approaching things in this way can help give the hypnosis a deeper impact. For example, in a typical hypnotic state, a person might say, “Get on your knees and kiss the floorgod” and a person in a complete state of wakefulness probably isn’t going to respond in that literal way. Instead, given the chance to breathe, a person might think of something unsavory and suddenly accept the suggestion. In fact, most likely, this person would probably open their lip to kiss the floor and experience a part of themselves they’d rather not have. Even though the suggestion is shallow, our brains process it very differently.

Explicit language can also be helpful in educational presentations along the lines of self-esteem, health, and love.

People who are new to being hypnotized sometimes take hypnosis and use it like physical exercise. Because after all a part of a person could be working on a muscle, coordination, or fitness. Many of us believe a person is in control if asked to increase or decrease their activity. This is wrong. A person’s willingness to work with hypnotic suggestions directly implies the hypnotist is concerned with how they come out of the hypnotic state. Quite often, when people are asked to enter a hypnotic state, they suddenly pick up subtle cues indicating that the suggestions are working.

Hypnosis slips you off to peace

, relaxation, and silence. Prior to Lee Konitz’s discovery of the power of Hypnosis, people felt that under hypnosis they had lost control, and it would make their lives more miserable. What It Feels Like To Be & Altered In Mind While people in the hypnotized state may literally have the appearance of asleep, their minds are quite alert, even focused. Their awareness is heightened, and they are prepared to react in an emergency. As soon as you surface yourself, you will know the situation. You may realize that you forgot your medicine cabinet keys, or suddenly remember to contact your boss for a paycheck. With practice, you soon will have an unconscious response ready in all situations. To bring this to full effect, you have to have the confidence to suggest a change voluntarily and find a way to calm the hypnosis down without about letting yourself be controlled or used. This can be scary for the first time. Losing control over our surroundings, being submerged in water or in silence for long periods can recruit the curious, frightened parts of our brain. A fearful mind will quickly bring about safety in numbers. In fact, this can bring about a panic attack. The most feared phenomena, I’ve found, when you are hypnotized, is that every slight movement that is made will cause you to feel disturbed.

While you can still decide to move during hypnosis,

You always have a choice to accept the suggestions

or to say no and to stop that cycle. A spontaneous yes will throw your practice off-kilters. This is good advice for almost all of us when entering any type of hypnosis tool. It can be challenging not to say no when it is so easy to say yes. I always like to say no when under hypnosis. Sadly, I have included Hypnosis in my tools page in case it impresses your friends and family. Learning the phrase doesn’t make you a Hypnotist — the real test of your skill and health is to continue doing what you always do until you feel comfortable enough somewhere else. Some people like that idea of being hypnotized over and over again, and others like the idea of not being hypnotized over and over again, which is clearly the former. There is no right or wrong answer to this. You decide what works for you. Some people may stay focused on the hypnotist’s words after the completion of the suggestion, while others may not. Either way, it depends on you. This is one of those skills where it is not as important what you intentionally say, but rather what you allow to come into your awareness during the suggestion. After all, you can forget or pause for any reason and allow your mind to wander. If the suggestion is cold and hard, one word might keep coming back to you throughout the whole hypnotic session — you could pause mid-session and remind yourself that ice cream is OK and that it isn’t actually ice cream. If the suggestion is pleasant, you can memorize the entire suggestion word by word. The more pleasant the hypnosis feels, the higher your chances are of remembering, again and again. Do You Want To Be Cold, Or Gentle?” stays on repeat in your mind. Words that can come to you without any effort such as laughter, warm, caring, father, appreciative, simple, warm — those will continue to come back to you for days and weeks. Words that you already associate with warmth such as sweet, peaceful, teddy, and soft, will stay with you for thousands of years, just waiting to bring you happiness. And words that are associated with preparation, like eager, calm, attentive, organized are sure to gain a lot of entries in your vocabulary and put them to good use. If you wish to learn more about hypnosis and its applications, it is well worth the effort.


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