Hypertension "The Silent Killer"
When I first came across these numbers, I was shocked, appalled and honestly felt like I had failed as a healthcare provider. Are all the "comforts" of urban life truly worth our health?
One in three individuals are hypertensive.
Hypertension has been on a rise for a while now. Today, one in three individuals are hypertensive. In fact, it is so common that people now treat it like it all right to be hypertensive. Somewhere, we are desensitized.
I am sharing some very basic information about hypertension. Just take a minute to go through all of it, and if you think you should make some changes then start!
What is Hypertension? Blood pressure higher than 140/90
At Risk or Prehypertension? Blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89
- Smoking
- Diabetes mellitus
- Obesity
- Excessive alcohol intake
- High Cholesterol Levels
- Male gender
- Family history
- Excessive consumption of salt and high sodium foods
- Sedentary lifestyle
If you relate to 3 or more of the above-mentioned risk factors, it is highly advisable that you look at a change of lifestyle. The easiest way of making the change is by identifying anyone bad habit and change that. Do it slowly, but do it!