Hyper scaling Webex media on Kubernetes & CloudNative
Cisco Webex has scaled exponentially to enable people and businesses around the world over the last few months as remote working and virtual meetings became the norm.
It has been amazing to make a difference behind the scenes of this awesome SaaS business together with many of my colleagues, tirelessly working around the clock often.
We had a decent all-inclusive platform layer in the making on top of Kubernetes & CloudNative technologies which was not in production back in February 2020. Nevertheless due to the unpredictable nature of what was in front of us and the adaptability required we decided to aggressively push ahead with the new platform maturing it rapidly.
10s of K8s clusters, 1000s of worker nodes around the globe. Two major k8s version bumps across the whole footprint. 1.15 -> 1.16 -> 1.18 in a short period. It has definitely been a roller coaster ride.
Shared our story at Cloud Native London August meet up:
Very proud to be a part of Cisco Webex.
Thank you Cloud Native community for these awesome technologies.