Hyper-Generalizations: How They Create Problems For Leaders
Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (800+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
I find that one of the largest problems we have in our world currently is having Hyper-Generalizations.
This is when we group people together and state that all people within that group believe X.
It happens all the time.
Politics: Republicans believe X, and Democrats believe Y, etc.
Religion: The Christians believe X, The Jewish believe Y, The Buddhists believe Z, etc.
Income Brackets
Different Departments
We see it all the time in all aspects of life.
However, we tend to miss the truth.
Individuals within all of these different groups often do not agree on the same things.
Some Individuals find themselves in these groups of circumstances and believe VERY different things from others in these same groups.
Though, even within the groups that are more of a choice, there may be "some" similarities, but often there are also tremendous differences that exist.
If I were to ask 100 religious followers of the same faith, "What are your beliefs as a member of that faith?", do you know how many different answers I would get?
100 different answers.
If I were to ask 100 different people within the same political party, "What are your beliefs as a member of that party?", do you know how many different answers I would get?
100 different answers.
If I were to ask 100 different people within the same culture, "What are the most meaningful and important aspects of your culture?", do you know how many different answers I would get?
100 different answers.
If I were to ask 100 different people with the same type of job, "What are the strengths most meaningful to doing your job well?", do you know how many different answers I would get?
100 different answers.
However, when we Hyper-Generalize, we will place all 100 of these individuals in the same general category, and treat them all as if they were exactly the same.
This becomes a huge problem for Leaders.
As we think about how to improve, how to work with, how to help, these different groups, it becomes impossible to accomplish anything meaningful.
The ideas we come up with end up being Caricatures instead of the Truth.
If you've ever seen a Caricature artist create a piece (or been the model for one), you'll be able to attest that their creation isn't an accurate portrayal.
Certain features are overemphasized (Often the "worst"), while other features are underemphasized (Often the "best").
Due to seeing certain things over/under-emphasized, we fail to see the reality.
The reality is that every "group" is filled with "individuals" who all think and see things completely differently.
Some of them may agree on some things, but they will also disagree on things.
"Individuals" in different "groups" may disagree on some things, but they will also agree on things.
In fact, most people are actually far more similar than they are different.
As Leaders, failing to recognize this can create so many problems.
It can lead to coming up with useless solutions to problems that don't really exist, based on the caricatures.
It can lead to treating people unfairly, being treated based on their caricatures instead of their realities.
It can lead to people becoming angry and belligerent because they are being seen as a caricature instead of an individual.
It can lead to completely missing opportunities because the caricatures de-emphasize certain things.
It can cause disunity when agreements are so much closer than we realize because we see different groups instead of similar individuals.
We as Leaders need to be able to move past hyper-generalizations and focus on the individuals before us if we hope to succeed.
Multi-Award-Winning Sageship Coach, Daily Digital Writer (800+), Producer, TV Show Host, Podcaster, Speaker | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | Categories: Sageship & Legendary Leadership | #1 Creator: Typeshare & Vocal
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