Hygiene Campaign Targets Young People
To create a safer, healthier environment in areas where the most vulnerable people reside, Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation in cooperation with the organization Terre Des Hommes held basic hygiene awareness programs in Toptawa, Mamzawa, Basirma, and Kwrani Ankawa located in the Erbil/Kurdistan region of Iraq. Targeting children ages 10-12 within the host communities, including internally displaced persons and refugees a total of 450 children received fun and interactive lessons on how to practice good hygiene and why it is so important. The four-day program was taught using participative approaches to engage even the youngest children.
Bring Hope Humanitarian Foundation has incorporated child protection programs as part of their humanitarian expansion initiatives to give children the education and tools needed to improve their life circumstances through creation of healthy alternatives. Healthier living through innovative programs such as football, healing, reading, dance, hygiene and others helps rebuild young people’s self-confidence, boosts self-esteem and eases loss and burdens.
These hygiene awareness programs began on 30 July 2018 and included distribution of take-away bags with toothpaste, toothbrushes, and shampoo. You too can be part of helping rebuild broken societies through these innovations, see bringhope.info.