Hydroxypropyl Starch (E1440): Properties, Uses, and Regulations
Starch is a complex carbohydrate formed by linking numerous glucose units through alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two primary forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), with the latter resulting from alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch possesses three hydroxyl groups, allowing for potential chemical modifications.
Hydroxypropyl Starch (E1440)
Hydroxypropyl starch, on the other hand, is a modified starch. It's produced by the etherification of food starch with propylene oxide, following good manufacturing practices (GMP). This process involves replacing hydroxyl groups with 2-hydroxypropyl ether.
Furthermore, hydroxypropyl starch may undergo additional treatments like exposure to acid, alkali, enzymes, or bleaching, all within the guidelines of GMP.
Key Information
Designated as INS No. 1440, with CAS numbers 9049-76-7 and 74315-67-6 for the modified amylopectin, hydroxypropyl starch is described as a white or nearly white powder or granules, or in the case of pregelatinized starch, flakes, or an amorphous powder with coarse particles.
Its functional uses encompass acting as a thickener, stabilizer, binder, and emulsifier.
Uses of Hydroxypropyl Starch (E1440)
Codex General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) Provisions
The Codex General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) provides regulations for the use of hydroxypropyl starch in various food categories, regardless of whether they have been previously standardized by Codex.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, food additive provisions apply to the indicated food category (e.g., Dairy) and all subcategories within it (e.g., Cheese, Ripened Cheese, etc.).
These are the authorized uses of hydroxypropyl starch in different food categories:
(1) Coffee, coffee substitutes, tea, herbal infusions, and other hot cereal and grain beverages (excluding cocoa):
This includes ready-to-drink products, their mixes, and concentrates like chicory-based hot beverages, rice tea, and instant coffee. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used at levels consistent with GMP, particularly in ready-to-drink products and their pre-mixes.
(2)Complementary foods for infants and young children:
These are foods designed for infants aged 6 months and older, aiding their transition to regular food. Examples include baby foods, toddler foods, and junior foods, excluding infant formulae. Hydroxypropyl starch is permissible at a level of 60,000 mg/kg when used singly or in combination with other modified starches in products conforming to the Standard for Canned Baby Foods (CODEX STAN 73-1981).
(3) Cooked fish and fish products:
This category covers various cooked fish products, such as fish sausage, cooked fish boiled down in soy sauce, and crab-flavored kamaboko. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used in surimi products, conforming to GMP.
(4) Fermented milks (plain), heat-treated after fermentation:
This includes heat-treated plain products like yogurt. Hydroxypropyl starch can be employed as a stabilizer or thickener, adhering to GMP.
(5) Fermented milks (plain), not heat-treated after fermentation:
Similar to the previous category but for plain products not subjected to post-fermentation heat treatment. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used as a stabilizer or thickener, specifically in reconstituted and recombined products, and following GMP.
(6) Formulae for special medical purposes for infants:
These are dietary foods for infants with specific medical requirements. Hydroxypropyl starch is permissible at a maximum level of 5,000 mg/kg, except for use in hydrolyzed protein and/or amino acid-based formulas at 25,000 mg/kg and for use in soy-based formulas only.
(7) Fresh meat, poultry, and game, comminuted:
This category encompasses untreated raw, ground, or mechanically deboned meat, poultry, and game. Hydroxypropyl starch is acceptable in fresh minced meat that contains other ingredients apart from comminuted meat, following GMP.
(8) Fresh meat, poultry, and game, whole pieces or cuts:
This category comprises untreated raw meat, poultry, and game carcasses and cuts. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used in glazes, coatings, or decorations for fruit, vegetables, meat, or fish, excluding products conforming to the Standard for Cream and Prepared Creams (reconstituted cream, recombined cream, prepackaged liquid cream) (CODEX STAN 288-1976).
(9) Fried fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms:
Ready-to-eat products prepared from fish or fish portions, dressed in eggs and bread crumbs or batter, fried, and then packaged or canned with or without sauce or oil. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used in breading or batter coatings, conforming to GMP.
(10) Frozen battered fish, fish fillets, and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms:
Uncooked products prepared from fish or fish portions, dressed in eggs and bread crumbs or batter. Hydroxypropyl starch is acceptable for non-standardized food and for breaded or batter coatings in products conforming to the Standard for Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (Fish Fingers), Fish Portions and Fish Fillets – Breaded or in Batter (CODEX STAN 166-1989).
(11) Frozen fish, fish fillets, and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms:
This category comprises fresh or partially cooked fish that undergo freezing or quick-freezing for further processing. Hydroxypropyl starch is authorized for use in various frozen fish products.
(12) Frozen minced and creamed fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms:
Uncooked products prepared from minced fish pieces in cream-type sauce. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used in glaze, coatings, or decorations for fruit, vegetables, meat, or fish.
(13) Infant formulae:
These are specially formulated milk substitutes for infants. Hydroxypropyl starch is permitted at a maximum level of 5,000 mg/kg, except for specific conditions as noted, and when used in combination with other specified starches.
(14) Other fluid milk (plain):
This includes plain fluid milk products with no added flavoring or intentional flavor-imparting ingredients. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used as an emulsifier or stabilizer, conforming to GMP.
(15) Other sugars and syrups (e.g., xylose, maple syrup, sugar toppings):
This category encompasses various syrups and decorative sugar toppings. Hydroxypropyl starch is permitted, excluding maple syrup.
(16) Pasteurized cream (plain):
This includes cream that has undergone pasteurization or is made from pasteurized milk. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used in cream, excluding products conforming to the Standard for Cream and Prepared Creams (reconstituted cream, recombined cream, prepackaged liquid cream) (CODEX STAN 288-1976).
(17) Renneted milk (plain):
Plain, coagulated milk produced through the action of milk coagulating enzymes. Hydroxypropyl starch is permissible, adhering to GMP.
(18) Salt Substitutes:
Salt substitutes are seasonings with reduced sodium content, intended as a replacement for salt in food.
(19) Smoked, dried, fermented, and/or salted fish and fish products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms:
This category covers various smoked, dried, fermented, and salted fish products. Hydroxypropyl starch is authorized for use in specific products, excluding those that conform to certain standards.
(20) Sterilized and UHT creams, whipping and whipped creams, and reduced fat creams (plain):
This category includes various creams, both pasteurized and sterilized, with different fat contents and intended uses. Hydroxypropyl starch can be used in these cream products.
GSFA Table 3 Provisions
Hydroxypropyl starch (E/INS 1440) is a food additive regulated under the GSFA (General Standard for Food Additives) Table 3. It is approved for use in various food products under the conditions of good manufacturing practices (GMP), as described in the Codex GSFA Preamble.
While not explicitly listed below, hydroxypropyl starch can also be employed in heat-treated buttermilk (in the category of Fluid milk (plain)) and spices (in the category of Herbs and spices). Please note that food categories specified in the Annex to Table 3 are exempt from these provisions.
Hydroxypropyl starch is suitable for use in foods that adhere to the following commodity standards: CS 119-1981, CS 249-2006, CS 70-1981, CS 94-1981.
This versatile substance serves as an emulsifier, stabilizer, and thickener.
Any emulsifier found in Table 3 is permitted for use in all products conforming to CS 117-1981 and CS 309R-2011.
Stabilizers listed in Table 3 are authorized for use in products conforming to CS 117-1981.
Thickeners specified in Table 3 are approved for use in products conforming to CS 117-1981.
The applicable food categories for hydroxypropyl starch include:
NguyenStarch - Vietnam Tapioca Starch Manufacturer and Supplier
Website: https://nguyenstarch.com
Contact: +84 988 791033
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