Hydrogen prioritization
“Is that your final answer?”
Dear readers,
Do you recognize the catchphrase? It’ll certainly be familiar if you’ve ever watched the game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” And as I’m sure some of you will be aware, once an answer gets locked in, it can’t be changed.
I get the feeling that in Berlin these days there are a number of people who, when faced with a decision, waver between different options and don’t know which to choose. It’s similar for many German companies that put their faith in the climate and transformation fund (KTF). Just last week, Germany’s constitutional court essentially scrapped that special fund by ruling that billions of euros in unused debt for tackling the pandemic can’t be transferred to the KTF. Where will things go from here? You won’t get an answer right now.
So what can we do? We can continue to wave the Hydrogen flag and show that it works. And we can do that in all industries, sectors and applications that we’ve successfully developed in recent years. This way, we’ll maximize our impact on decisions and demonstrate our relevance as a sector, encouraging political decision-makers to prioritize climate reversal and a sustainable future. The coming weeks and months will all be about one thing: setting the correct priorities!
I know you do that already.
That’s why I also know you’ll make the most of our webinars when a relevant topic comes up. So let me tell you about two more client offerings: ?
? Webinar topic: Scaling Up Green Hydrogen. Large scale Stack Factory
? Our experts: Thomas G. & J?rn Ernst | H-TEC SYSTEMS
? When: November 21, 2023, 16:00 CET
? Register now: https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/hydrogen-moves-htec
? Webinar topic: AquaDuctus – Nucleus of an Offshore Hydrogen Network
? Our expert: Oliver Reimuth | GASCADE Gastransport GmbH
? When: December 12, 2023, 16:00 CET
? Register now: https://event.webinarjam.com/channel/hydrogen-moves-aquad
On a similar note: May all those who will have to set the course for the coming years with us choose the correct final answer.
Keep moving,
PS: Study tip for April 2024 - from professionals to future professionals: Our partner, the TAE – Technische Akademie Esslingen e.V., has created a part-time degree course in “Wasserstofftechnologie und -wirtschaft” (Hydrogen Technology and Hydrogen Economy, M.Sc.). The course takes a holistic approach in that it enables students to gain both technical and management skills in Hydrogen-based energy systems. More info: https://go.tae-studium.de/wasserstoffstudieren
Argo-Anleg GmbH | Efficientics | Hexagon Purus | Paul Group | Tyczka Group | TAE – Technische Akademie Esslingen e.V. | water stuff & sun