The Hydrogen Myth

Nothing wrong with Hydrogen If you know how to make it at a price.

A nonaligned highly experienced Professor responded to my request and provided the following data.

Hydrogen contains 33.5Mwh of energy per tonne once for instance it is separated from water, which is done by separating it from Oxygen in Water using an electrical current (Did it in my year 10 school laboratory) and can thence be used including as an energy resource or a vehicle fuel by making it back into water, for, for-instance, clean vehicle fuel through established Fuel Cells. Such cars/busses exist which can be refueled as with LNG.

Large amounts of Hydrogen are biproduct of (shock horror) Crude oil refining and an IPEX subsidiary proposed its export from Brunie sufficient to fuel 40,000 cars.

However, to make renewables generators, for say STEEL manufacture requires huge quantities of generator Manufacturing electricity of a net carbon origin. Like (misleadingly) Wind and Solar (the energy origins of which must be Fossil Fuel) !!!! Whilst Hydrogen could provide the HEAT to convert say IRON ORE to what is known as Pig Iron, Such a low quality product must have an injection of (shock horror) Carbon to make it into STEEL and which is achieved in today's Blast furnaces by BURNING a derivative of Coal called COKE.

So to make GREEN STEEL ??? we must first evaluate the GREEN ??? Generators to break up the water which brings us back to Wind and Solar where my advice is as follows

Assuming a 25% capacity factor for a Solar Farm each 1 mw (Which occupies 2 Hectares of land) would generate2190MWh per year Which would produce ONLY 59 TONNES OF HYDROGEN PER YEAR!!! and cost $1m to construct. A wind farm required to produce that #59 tonnes pa has a capital cost of $2m

In May2003 I commissioned an international Conference in Broome Titled" The Hydrogen Economy (including the tidal energy link) which saw the say 3 Gw Walcott inlet ( The World Energy Council) as the appropriate cost benefit to produce Hydrogen and probably only for the Transport sector.

Of all the speculation regarding "Green" hydrogen No one wants to talk about Tidal energy including Members of Twiggy's team who told me outright that The World Energy Council did not know what it was talking about!! I presume they may have made up those 700 redundancies


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