Hydrogen cells, EVs and the longitude problem

Hydrogen cells, EVs and the longitude problem

Hello all,

Hope you're well. It's been a busy period for us here at Surface Ventures with multiple events close together. We love seeing a webinar go well so this has been very satisfying. If you didn't attend our latest Mini-Symposium on the Tribology of Electric Vehicles, our on-demand replay is available here. We were able to collaborate with Micro Materials once again to create another equipment review, this time focused on the impact module of the NanoTest Vantage. I very much enjoyed the filming day at Wrexham exploring the possibilities of the module for coating assessment and analysing erosion resistance. The video is available on our YouTube Channel here. Wishing you the best for the next couple of weeks!

Research highlights: Highly Cited

Hydrogen embrittlement is a significant problem for tribological systems; it appears in electrochemical processes, corrosion and coating processes. With the increase in hydrogen fuel, there is increased motivation to fully understand this phenomenon and how to alleviate it. Due to the complexities of this failure method, combined modelling and experimental work is a great approach such as that taken by Iyas et al. in "Modeling hydrogen diffusion in a tribological scenario: A failure analysis of a thrust bearing".

Research Resources: Textbook

I've always wanted to be a scientist from a young age (I was a nerdy kid) and being able to contribute papers to journals is incredibly gratifying. It's been a privilege to be able to contribute a chapter to an upcoming textbook. Nanomechanics for Coatings and Engineering Surfaces, edited by Prof Ben Beake and Prof Tomasz Liskiewicz, provides readers with an array of best practices for nanoindentation as well as an array of small scale test methods for developing improved coatings. It's expected to be released on the 15th of November.

Interesting Infographics

The adoption of electric vehicles is progressing at an ever-increasing rate, though they are concentrated in markets such as China and Europe. These markets are primarily adopting battery powered cars but there are also fuel cell cars. The infographic below explains the differences in these technologies. Learn more about this infographic from the Visual Capitalist here.

From our Partner

Optimol Instruments is a leading provider of tribological model systems and test benches. The SRV? platform is their leading system able to perform tests to DIN, ASTM and ISO standards with over 30 standard holders and adapters specialised for fretting tests under dry and lubricated conditions.

To further the abilities of this platform, the Hydrogen/Fuel Measuring Cell is available to meet the tribological challenges posed by hydrogen. Due to the change in performance with a different atmosphere, materials and lubricants for hydrogen infrastructures must undergo testing in conditions akin to their operating environment. The cell integrates into existing SRV?5 tribometers and is able to test at pressures up to 100 bar. The test is designed with a low volume that avoids the Pressure Vessels Safety Regulation and features gas supply regulation and fundamental safety monitoring. It is able to operate at temperatures from -40°Cto +150°C.

To find out more, download the Tribological Hydrogen / Fuel Measuring cell note on our website.

The latest and upcoming from Surface Ventures

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Notable and quotable

The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time – Bertrand Russell

What we’re reading

If you're in Greenwich and wondering which museum to go to first, I can heartily recommend the Royal Observatory. A great deal of the exhibitions are dedicated to the story of the longitude problem. Longitude by David Sobel tells the story of John Harrison who answered the parliament's call (with a generous reward) to produce a device able to measure longitude at sea saving thousands of sailors' lives and enabling longer voyages. For anyone interested in astronomy and clock making, this is a great read.

An app a day

I'm a big fan of open source programs. For those inclined, the ability to modify the code can make software like this extremely powerful and it often comes with improved privacy over commercial software. Though I'm an Outlook user for my work emails, I have grown to enjoy Thunderbird Mail. I can use it on all my main platforms (including a newly released Android version) with key features like support for all major email clients, encryption available and a healthy ecosystem of add-ons to tailor the experience to your needs.

The lighter side of Research

"Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham


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Curated By Dr Samuel McMaster

Content Manager – Surface Ventures


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