Hydrogel Tamponades are a Hot Topic!
Tim H?ring ??
Zusammenbringen, was zusammen geh?rt: Menschen, Ideen, Momente | #gerneperdu
Awarded by the ARVO
At ARVO 2019 in Vancouver, Dr. Norbert Kociok (Ophthalmology, Charité) presented a poster entitled "Ex vivo analyzing the handling of a thermosensitive intraocular tamponade in pig eyes after pars plana vitrctomy". This was marked as "Hot Topic" by the ARVO.
The posters identified by the members of the Programme Committee of the Annual Meeting as the latest and most innovative research work will be awarded as hot topics.
The award of this title shows the high relevance of the development of new retinal tamponades for the community.
About the Project
Since 2017, the cooperation project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education Research (Germany) has been working on the development of a tamponade that can be degraded by the body with an integrated drug release system to stabilize the eye after a vitrectomy. The novel tamponade is to be introduced into the eyeball in liquid form and gelled at body temperature. Thus, the insertion can take place via very small accesses and the procedure can be carried out more gently. During the healing process, the tamponade is removed from the body, so that a new intervention is not necessary.
In addition to the Charité, the project partners are the Helmholtz Centre Geestach, the company DMB Apparatebau and Fluoron.
If you are also interested in this exciting topic, click now on the link to get to the whole Abstract.