HydraTrax Portable Spill Containment!
HydraTrax portable spill containment provides a unique approach to environmental protection. While there are many options available for containment, HydraTrax is custom built to not only capture & prevent contaminants from hitting the ground, then soaking into our ground water, it provides a safe area for workers to walk on. Reduce your slip/fall injuries significantly & eliminate costly post project cleanups, HydraTrax fits into any type of project, the bright green material is designed to provide a safe path to success and is easy to see during night operations. Available as a rental system with deployment crews or custom built retail units to fit any project, HydraTrax is made from chemical resistant, impermeable materials that have a cold crack tolerance of -40 deg C, it has FR & Static dissipative qualities built right in. The photo above illustrates our 6" drive over edging option, but HydraTrax has many options including Muscle Wall & HydraShield for high wall containment systems. Stop laying 3"x12" wooden boards in your tank farm & expecting workers to walk the plank without a serious risk of injury. HydraTrax custom liners are built for safety and available anywhere in North America, call 1-855-887-9916 and check out hydraprotects.com to line up yours today!!