Hydatid Cyst

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hydatid Cyst is spread from when the water or food that contains the eggs of the parasite is eaten or close to the infected animal. A 71-year-old woman from Central Asia with a certain medical history has felt pain since last week. Management examined and admitted her for treatment. She had been recovering after successfully getting surgery.nbsp;The recoverable duration was six months.Introduction Hydatid disease is an important issue in the world especially it founds in the Middle East countries and cattle and sheep farming areas. It has been recognized by a human for centuries. It was recognized in 1st century when “Francesco Redi” narrated that it occurs due to the animal organ. It is common in South Africa. Most human children cases occur where dogs and livestock, live together while every age person can be infectednbsp;(figure 1).nbsp; The red fox is also responsible;(figure 2).nbsp; The disease is spread when the water or food that contains the eggs of the parasite is eaten or by close contact with an infected animal.nbsp;nbsp; The disease often starts without symptoms; symptoms occur depending on its size. It is also called echinococcal disease.nbsp; Currently, one million people are affected by this disease. The ingestion of tapeworm eggs excreted in the faeces of infected dogs, the Cystic hydatid disease usually affects the liver (50–70%) and less frequently the lung, the spleen, the kidney, the bones, and the brain. Patient education is aimed at teaching the population at risk about the disease, its methods of transmission, its hosts, and the methods of prevention. This modern treatment of hydatid cyst varies from the surgeons.Flow of diseasenbsp; Figure 1: A human is definitely an intermediate host. it can spread by its egg or eating their organs.Once the eggs are ingested, they release larvae into the duodenum. The larvae migrate through the intestinal mucosa and gain access to mesenteric vessels which carry them to the liver. The liver is the site of up to 70% of echinococcal lesions. Larvae that escape hepatic filtering are carried to the lung, the site of an additional 15-30% of lesions. From the lungs, larvae may be disseminated to any part of the body.(figure 1).nbsp; Larvae that escape the hosts defences and persist in a host organ develop into small cysts surrounded by a fibrous capsule. These cysts grow at a rate of 1-3 cm/year and may remain undetected for years. Thus; they can reach very large sizes before they become clinically evident. The cyst wall contains an outer chitinous layer and an inner germinal layer. The germinal layer may develop internal protrusions and eventually form daughter cysts within the original cyst.How to diagnose nbsp;UltraSoundCTMRInbsp;( Magnetic Resonance Imagining)nbsp;Blood TestsTreatment Hydatid cyst of the liver must be treated surgically.1,2nbsp;Albendazole 10 mg/kg/day for 3–6 weeks before surgery should be given to sterilise the cyst. During surgery special care should be taken not to spill the hydatid fluid. Precautions include packing the area with povidone-iodine soaked sponges, aspiration of some of the hydatid fluid to reduce the tension, instillation of a scolicidal agent like hypertonic saline, and use of a suction cone.3,4nbsp;The pericyst is incised so that the hydatid cyst extrudes. The cyst is usually held with a sponge holder and removed very carefully (with daughter cysts inside). The residual pericystic cavity can be partially excised, filled with saline, and closed or obliterated with multiple purse string sutures. If endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography reveals any daughter cysts in the common bile duct the duct should be explored, cleared, and drained with a T tube. After the operation, the patient should continue albendazole for at least 6–8 weeks to clear up any spilled hydatid fluid containing live scolices.5Recent reports of percutaneous aspiration and obliteration of hydatid cyst of the liver with sclerosant have appeared in the literature, but the role of this treatment method remains unproved 6,7nbsp;There are three ways of treatment1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Surgery2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Medications3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ConservativeStatistics of disease in Body Organs Parts of the body with the percentageLiver 75%Lungs 5-15%Brain, Heart, Kidney 10-20%[14][15]The above statistics show that the major organ of the human body which the effects of this disease are the liver. Liver infection is higher in risk. When liver infected, symptoms are pale skin, the pain in the chest.Hosts Figure 2; Red Fox with rodent [13]Figure 3 A primary cyst in the liver is composed of three layers.Case Study A 71-year-old female from Central Asia was admitted to hospital with no surgical history. She felt pain in her right upper quadrant in the last seven days. The patient was seen by medical surgeons and had been operated. She had been found with multiple cysts and daughter cysts in the sonogram.Three cysts of 20 CM also found in her right arterynbsp;(figure 6). Larger cysts were discharged first and then daughter cysts. The surgery started by placing goes in 20 percent saline around the affected area. First punctured the most prominent cysts. By injecting 20 percent Celine then had waited for 20 minutes. The process was done with repeated three times. The surgery had successfully been completed and drain was removed after two weeks and the patient recovers well after six months.Figure 4 Multiple Cysts foundnbsp;Figure 5: Multiple Daughter CystsThe surgery had successfully been completed and drain was removed after two weeks and the patient replaced well after six months.Discussion nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The hydatid cyst develops in the liver, lungs, brains, or other organs. The hydatid cyst develops in the liver, lungs, brain, or other organs. When a dog eats the sheep viscera and ingests the hydatid cyst, the protoscolices attach to the small intestinal wall and the worms begin to form proglottids. Gravid proglottids, containing the eggs, detach from the end of the worm and spill their eggs into the lumen of the intestine. The eggs pass out in the faeces. Animals like cows and sheep become infected by eating the contaminated grass. Contaminated vegetables are the culprit in human infestations. Currently, there is no vaccine available against a form, however, a study being conducted that are looking at a possible vaccine for affected persons, the best solution is an open surgical removal of the cyst combined with chemotherapy mebendazole. Or the alternative is chemotherapy PAIR. The sign of this disease NOT appears when you affected and it becomes silent. The patient does not know whether he is infected or not. However, it is curable with surgery. Tapeworm, the wolf and the dogs are a major source of spreading this disease. As of 2010, it caused about 1200 deaths, down from 2000 in 1990.nbsp;nbsp;9nbsp;The surgery had successfully been completed and drain was removed after two weeks and the patient replaced well after six months.Conclusion nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hence the treatment is curable by surgery, but prevention can make human safe from this disease. Treat animals which are infected by this disease. If necessary to eat their meat boil their meat at least 30 minutes.Reference 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;?nbsp;Wagholikar GD, Sikora SS. Surgical management of liver hydatid.nbsp;Trop Gastroenterol2001;22:159–62.PubMedGoogle Scholar2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;?nbsp;Saidi F Treatment of echinococcal cysts. In: Nyhus LM, Baker RJ, Sabiston DC, eds.nbsp;Mastery of surgery. 2nd Ed. London: Little, Brown,nbsp;1992: 818–37.Google Scholar3.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;?nbsp;Saidi F.nbsp;Surgery of hydatid disease. 1st Ed. London: W B Saunders,nbsp;1976: 22–5.Google Scholar4.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;?nbsp;Kune CA, Morris DI. Hydatid disease. In: Schwastz SI, Ellis H, eds.nbsp;Maingot’s abdominal operations.nbsp;9th Ed. USA: Appleton amp; Lange,nbsp;1990: 1225–40.Google Scholar5.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;?nbsp;Maiocchi L, Brunetti E, Filice C. 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