Hybrid work or just work?
Should we still call it hybrid work or are we now just working, where ever we are. No doubt that our work style have changed a lot since the pandemic. With security in place and the right equipment it doesn’t matter where we are while working. Microsoft once had a sentence: Work is not a place, it is something you do. This is now a reality. I might be in the category of early adaptors. But I really like the freedom to be able to work from anywhere. Right now is a good example. I sit on an airplane on the way to some Teams events in Nuuk, Greenland. I paid 6 USD, and I now have access to Teams, and I am able to use the 4 hours first leg flight. To work and keep in touch with my colleagues. Although bandwidth is not great, even though I am really near the cloud….
I have never been more satisfied with how I work. Being able to work anywhere, even on a flight saves me working tonight at the hotel.
This work style might not be for everyone and I am aware that not all jobs have the opportunity to work like this. But if you have I highly recommend to spend time in your home office, summer house or at the café. This brings new things to you and your work will benefit from new input.
I spend most days in my home office. Here I can focus and work without being interrupted. I would never go to the office if it was not for a meeting or being social with colleagues. Which brings me to how we should use our offices.
Previously the offices where just a bunch of desks and some meeting rooms. This will not drive any or at least very few employees to the office to day. In my opinion organizations should really think about how their employees would like to work. Socializing is a big thing in the office. This also means that organizations should consider how to furnish the office. Less desks and more areas that will encourage collaboration is in high demand. Good coffee and snacks is not enough anymore. We have now been used to work at home and we have everything we need, except social life in work hours. I acknowledge that Teams is a great tool and I love being able to communicate with colleagues and partners. But being together person to person, brings something else.
Since we are now used to working from home, a lot of people is also used to a quiet environment. So this is something we need to bring to the office as well. Our brain is getting fatigued with a lot of noise around us. I personally have anxiety and around a lot of people and noise the anxiety level definitely increase. I am now so good at handling it, that I am able to do it. But I get a lot more tired afterwards.
People have different needs, some are really happy about being in a noisy environment and it gives them energy. Others, would like to be able to work together with colleagues in a more quiet environment. No matter which type of person you are, this is something organizations needs to have in mind. I see some organizations doing silent zones, and a lot more adding acoustic panels in their offices. This will benefit all, to have good acoustics.
I know acoustic panels might not be cheap, but not being productive is more expensive. Acoustics can be a really deep knowledge and some invite specialized people to do acoustic measurements in their offices. I rough thump rule that I use is 25% of the floor area. This is how much you should consider adding with acoustic materials. The materials can be mounted on the ceiling, on walls and even as light. Carpets also helps a bit, but nothing compared to real acoustic panels.
I often see organizations install acoustic panels in meeting rooms with Teams Rooms. This is great, but please also consider to do it in meeting rooms without Teams Rooms and in the open area of the office. Employees is quickly finding out which meeting rooms that are nice to be in and if only the meeting rooms build for video calls are equipped with acoustic panels. Then these are often used for lots of meetings internally. Which then gives a bad usage of the Teams Rooms and real estate.
When equipping the meeting rooms, please consider where to place the acoustic panels. If you only mount them in the ceiling, the walls will still bounce the audio. A few months back I had the pleasure of a visit at The Hive. This is where Microsoft builds their standard meeting rooms, which are later installed globally. They had a really good point in installing acoustic panels in dark material all the way around the screen. This not only gave a better audio in the rooms since we often tend to talk in the direction of the remote people, but also gave a much more relaxed meeting, since our eyes relax more and keeps the focus on the screen instead of a bright white wall.
Another way to help the noise sensitive employees is to provide them with a Teams certified headset with good ANC Active Noise Cancellation. Around Ear headset will always provide better ANC, since Around Ear headset also give a Passive Noice Cancellation.
But please do not stop here. All employees should be provided with a Teams Certified camera and a headset. For inspiration please look at aka.ms/teamsdevices
In my opinion camera and headset should be a part of the welcome to all new employees and existing employees should have handed out the right equipment. I still don’t think that they should ask for it themselves. Many employees do not have the guts to go and ask their manager. So being proactive as an organization is really important. Yes I know it costs some money, but the good employees leaving is even more expensive.
We can install great equipment in the meeting room, but the Teams meetings will never be better than, the one who is joining with worst audio. Headsets today are so great that the right headset is capable of filtering out all background noise. So even when they join the Teams call from an open office, a café or from the car, the headsets will provide great audio.
Now only 45 minutes left of my first leg of the flight, I will get back to answering some mails and chat in Teams. Back to the first question, should we call it hybrid work or just work. The sentence from Microsoft: Work is not a place, it is something you do, makes more and more sense. Work is work no matter where it is from and please also not only identify yourself only with work, you are so much more than that.
Thanks for reading.
Leadership | Customer Centric | UC | Business Strategy | Driving Growth & Innovation across EMEA | System Engineering & Solution Architecture | Value Selling
1 年Thanks for sharing your experience, Lars!
It's just work and always was.