Hybrid Targeted Advertising An Approach for Free to Air Broadcast Platforms
A major shift in the way Broadcasters are managing their advertising is occurring. With the advent of fast Internet connections for so many people in the UK, EU and other regions around the world, the possibility now exists for the delivery of content using either broadband, cable, satellite or terrestrial broadcasting with little distinction, from the user’s perspective, between the different methods of reception. The presence of broadband as a delivery method also allows for personalised delivery of content and is particularly relevant to advertising. This white paper discusses a possible design strategy for a targeted advertising (TA) system utilizing both broadband and traditional broadcast to achieve a TA solution. Effectively a hybrid TA (HTA) solution.
The current highly successful platforms rely heavily on broadcasters owning the end to end technology. Whereas this is an ideal approach for the likes of Sky in the UK, free to air broadcasters that do not traditionally own or even specify much of the end to end technology, face significant challenges to providing targeted delivery of content of any kind.
Please feel free to join our discussion group on Targeted Advertising and download our white paper on this subject from here.