Hybrid Storage and Data Migration with AWS Storage Gateway File Gateway
Cloud Migration

Hybrid Storage and Data Migration with AWS Storage Gateway File Gateway

Here, you will attach a Network File System (NFS) mount to an on-premises data storage using the AWS Storage Gateway File Gateway service. After that, you'll copy the data to an Amazon S3 bucket. Next, you will set up more advanced Amazon S3 features like cross-region replication and Amazon S3 lifecycle policies.??

At the end, you should be able to:

  • Configure a File Gateway with an NFS file share and attach it to a Linux instance
  • Migrate a set of data from the Linux instance to an S3 bucket?
  • Create and configure a primary S3 bucket to migrate on-premises server data to AWS
  • Create and configure a secondary S3 bucket to use for cross-region replication?
  • Create an S3 lifecycle policy to manage data in a bucket automatically

Pre-requisites for this lab

Three AWS Regions are used in this lab setting. To simulate an on-premises server, a Linux EC2 instance is deployed to the us-east-1 (N.Virginia) Region. The Linux server and Storage Gateway virtual appliance are both deployed to the same region. The appliance would be installed as a physical Storage Gateway appliance or in an environment using Microsoft Hyper-V or VMware vSphere.

The primary S3 bucket is created in the US-east-2 (Ohio) Region. Data from the Linux host is copied to the primary S3 bucket. This bucket can also be called the source.?

The secondary S3 bucket is created in the US-west-2 region (Oregon). This secondary bucket is the target for the cross-region replication policy. It can also be called the destination.?

Here’s the initial architecture

Creating the primary and secondary S3 buckets

Before you configure the File Gateway, you must create the primary S3 bucket (or the source) where you will replicate the data. You will also create the secondary bucket (or the destination) that will be used for cross-Region replication.?

  • In the search box to the right of Services, search for and choose S3 to open the S3 console.
  • Choose Create bucket then configure these settings:Bucket name: Create a name that you can remember easily. It must be globally unique. e.g (my-source)Region: US East (Ohio) us-east-2Bucket Versioning: Enable

You must enable versioning for both the source and destination buckets for cross-Region replication.

  • Choose Create bucket

Repeat the previous steps in this task to create a second bucket with the following configuration:?

  • Bucket name: Create a name you can easily remember. It must be globally unique.? e.g (my-destination)
  • Region US West (Oregon) us-west-2
  • Versioning: Enable

Enabling cross-Region replication

Now that you have created your two S3 buckets and enabled versioning on them, you can create a replication policy.

  • Select the name of the source bucket (my-source) that you created in the US East (Ohio) Region.
  • Select the Management tab and under Replication rules select Create replication rule
  • Configure the Replication rule:?Replication rule name: crr-full-bucketStatus: EnabledSource bucket:For Choose a rule scope, select Apply to all objects in the bucketDestination:Choose a bucket in this accountChoose Browse S3 and select the bucket you created in the US West (Oregon) Region (my-destination).Select Choose pathIAM role: S3-CRR-RoleNote: To find the AWS IAM role, in the search box, enter: S3-CRR (This role was pre-created with the required permissions for this lab)
  • Choose Save. When prompted, if you want to replicate existing objects, choose No, and then choose Submit
  • Return to and select the link to the bucket you created in the US East (Ohio) Region (my-source).
  • Choose Upload to upload a file from your local computer to the bucket.

For this lab, use a small file that does not contain sensitive information, such as a blank text file.?

  • Choose Add files, locate and open the file, then choose Upload
  • Wait for the file to upload, then choose Close. Return to the bucket you created in the US West (Oregon) Region (my-destination).

The file that you uploaded should also now have been copied to this bucket.

Note: You may need to refresh the console for the object to appear.

Configuring the File Gateway and creating an NFS file share

In this task, you will set up the File Gateway appliance as an Amazon EC2 instance. You will next set up a cache disk, choose an S3 bucket to synchronize your on-premises files with, and select an IAM policy to utilize. Finally, you'll set up an NFS file sharing on the File Gateway.

  • In the search box to the right of Services, search for and choose Storage Gateway to open the Storage Gateway console.
  • At the top-right of the console, verify that the current Region is N. Virginia.
  • Choose Create Gateway then begin configuring the Step 1: Set up gateway settings:Gateway name: File GatewayGateway time zone: Choose GMT -5:00 Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, LimaGateway type: Amazon S3 File GatewayHost platform: Choose Amazon EC2, then choose the Launch instance button.

A new tab opens to the EC2 instance launch wizard. This link automatically selects the correct Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that must be used for the File Gateway appliance.

  • In the Launch an Instance screen, begin configuring the gateway as described:?Name: File Gateway ApplianceAMI from catalog: Accept the default aws-storage-gateway AMIInstance type: Select the t2.xlarge instance type.Key pair name - required: Choose or create a key pair (vockey).?
  • Configure the network and security group settings for the gateway.Next to Network settings, choose Edit, then configure:VPC: On-Prem-VPCSubnet: On-Prem-SubnetAuto-assign public IP: EnableUnder Firewall (security groups), choose select an existing security groupFor Common security groups:Select the security group with FileGatewayAccess in the name

Note: This security group is configured to allow traffic through ports 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), 53 (DNS), 123 (NTP), and 2049 (NFS). These ports enable the activation of the File Gateway appliance. They also enable connectivity from the Linux server to the NFS share that you will create on the File Gateway.

  • Also, select the security group with OnPremSshAccess in the name.

Note: This security group is configured to allow Secure Shell (SSH) connections on port 22.

  • Verify that both security group now appear as selected (details on each will appear in boxes in the console).

Tip: You may need to choose Show all selected to see them both.

  • Configure the storage settings for the gatewayIn the Configure storage panel, notice there is already an entry to create one 80GiB root volumeChoose Add new volumeSet the size of the EBS volume to 150GiB
  • Finish creating the gatewayIn the Summary panel on the right, keep the number of instances set to 1, and choose Launch instance

A Success message displays

  • Choose View all instances?

Your File Gateway Appliance instance will take a few minutes to initialize.

  • Monitor the status of the deployment and wait for Status Checks to complete.

Tip: Choose the refresh button to more quickly learn the status of the instance.

  • Select your File Gateway instance, then in the Details tab below, locate the Public IPV4 address and copy it.

You will use this IP address when you complete the File Gateway deployment.

  • Return to the AWS Storage Gateway tab in your browser. It should still be at the Set up gateway on Amazon EC2 screen.
  • Check the box next to I completed all the steps above and launched the EC2 instance, then choose Next
  • Configure the Step 2: Connect to AWS settings:For the Service endpoint, select Publicly accessible, and then choose NextIn the Gateway connection options:For IP address, paste in the IPV4 Public IP address you copied from your File Gateway Appliance instance.Choose Next
  • In the Step 3: Review and activate settings screen choose Next
  • Configure the Step 4: Configure Gateway settings:CloudWatch log group: Deactivate loggingCloudWatch alarms: No AlarmChoose Configure

A Successfully activated gateway File Gateway Appliance message displays. In the Configure cache storage panel, you will see a message showing the local disks loading.

  • Wait for the local disk's status to show that it finished processing (approximately 1 minute).
  • After the processing is complete, go to Allocated to and select Cache.
  • Choose Save changes

  • Start creating a file share.Wait for the File Gateway status to change to Running (approximately 1-2 minutes)From the left side panel, choose File Shares.Choose Create file share
  • On the File share settings configuration screen, configure these settings:Gateway: Select the name of the File Gateway that you created (which should be File Gateway Appliance)Amazon S3 bucket name: Enter the name of the source bucket that you created in the US East (Ohio) us-east-2 Region in Task 1 (my-source).AWS region: US East (Ohio) us-east-2Access objects using: Network File System (NFS)Choose Next
  • On the Amazon S3 storage settings screen, configure these settings:Storage class for new objects: S3 StandardObject metadata:Check box Guess MIME typeCheck box Give bucket owner full controlUncheck Enable Requester pays?Access your S3 bucket: Use an existing IAM roleIAM role: Paste the FgwIamPolicyARN, which you can retrieve by following these instructions -?Choose the Details dropdown menu above these instructionsSelect Show?Copy the FgwIamPolicyARN valueChoose Next
  • In the File access settings screen, accept the default settings.

Note: You might get a warning message that the file share is accessible from anywhere. For this lab, you can safely disregard this warning. In a production environment, you should always create policies that are as restrictive as possible to prevent unwanted or malicious connections to your instances.

  • Choose Next

  • Scroll to the bottom of the Review and Create screen, then select Create

Monitor the status of the deployment and wait for Status to change to Available, which takes less than a minute.

Note: You can choose the refresh button occasionally to notice more quickly when the status has changed.

This completes your Storage gateway creation.

  • Select the file share that you just created by choosing the link.
  • At the bottom of the screen, note the command to mount the file share on Linux. You will need it for the next task.

Mounting the file share to the Linux instance and migrating the data

Before you can migrate data to the NFS share that you created, you must first mount the share. In this task, you will mount the NFS share on a Linux server, and then copy data to the share.

  • Connect to the On-Prem Linux Server instance.

For Windows users, choose the Download PPK button and save the labsuser.ppk file. Note the OnPremLinuxInstance address, if it is displayed.?

For Linux and MacOS users, choose the Download PEM button and save the labsuser.pem file. Note the OnPremLinuxInstance address, if it is displayed.?

  • Open a terminal window, and change the directory to the directory where the labsuser.pem file was downloaded by using the cd command.

For example, if the labsuser.pem file was saved to your Downloads directory, run this command:

cd ~/Downloads        

  • Change the permissions on the key to be read-only, by running this command:

chmod 400 labsuser.pem        

  • Run the following command (replace <public-ip> with the OnPremLinuxInstance address that you copied earlier).Alternatively, to find the IP address of the on-premises instance, return to the Amazon EC2 console and select InstancesSelect the On-Prem Linux Server instance that you want to connect toIn the Details tab, copy the Public IPV4 address value

ssh -i labsuser.pem ec2-user@<public-ip>        

  • When you are prompted to allow the first connection to this remote SSH server, enter yes.?

Because you are using a key pair for authentication, you are not prompted for a password.

You should now be connected to the instance.

  • On the Linux instance, to view the data that exists on this server, enter the following command:

ls /media/data        

You should see 20 image files in the .png format.

  • Create the directory that will be used to synchronize data with your S3 bucket by using the following command:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nfs/s3        

  • Mount the file share on the Linux instance by using the command that you located in the Storage Gateway file shares details screen at the end of the last task.?

sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock,hard <File-Gateway-appliance-private-IP-address>:/<S3-bucket-name> /mnt/nfs/s3        

Notice that the command starts with sudo and ends with /mnt/nfs/s3

For example:

sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock,hard /mnt/nfs/s3        

  • Verify that the share was mounted correctly by entering the following command:

df -h        

The output of the command should similar to the following example:

[ec2-user@ip-10-10-1-210 ~]$ df -h

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

devtmpfs 483M 64K 483M 1% /dev

tmpfs 493M 0 493M 0% /dev/shm

/dev/xvda1 7.8G 1.1G 6.6G 14% / 8.80E 0 8.0E 0% /mnt/nfs/s3

  • Now that you created the mount point, you can copy the data that you want to migrate to Amazon S3 into the share by using this command:

?sudo cp -v /media/data/*.png /mnt/nfs/s3        

Verifying that the data is migrated

You have finished configuring the gateway and copying data into the NFS share. Now, you will verify that the configuration works as intended.

  • In the Services search box, search for and choose S3 to open the S3 console.
  • Select the bucket that you created in the US East (Ohio) Region.Verify that the 20 image files are listed.

Note: You might need to choose the refresh icon in the S3 console.

  • Return to the Buckets page and select the bucket that you created in the US West (Oregon) Region.Verify that the image files were replicated to this bucket, based on the policy that you created earlier.?

Note: S3 Object replication can take up to 15 minutes to complete. Keep refreshing until you see the replicated objects.

Congratulations, you successfully migrated data to Amazon S3 by using AWS Storage Gateway in the File Gateway mode. After your data is stored in Amazon S3, you can act on it like native Amazon S3 data. In this lab, you created a replication policy to copy the data to a secondary Region. You could also perform other operations, such as configuring a lifecycle policy. For example, you could migrate infrequently used data automatically from S3 Standard to Amazon S3 Glacier for long-term storage, which can reduce costs.?

Navigating cloud migration is like sailing uncharted waters—careful planning leads to treasure ??. Remember, as Seneca hinted, our wind cannot change but our sails can. Keep exploring! #CloudInnovation


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