HYBRID MULTI CLOUD TASK 6  | |                     Deploy the word-press application on K8S and AWS using Terraform

HYBRID MULTI CLOUD TASK 6 | | Deploy the word-press application on K8S and AWS using Terraform

Hello Guys, back with another article. In this article you will find a word press application has been launched using Kubernetes on AWS using terraform.

So let's start this task. Launch a Minikube virtual machine on Oracle VM. Start the Minikube and do all the installation requirements.

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Then you need to Install Kubernetes on Windows or linux. Here, i have installed Kubernetes on Windows.

After that write the write the below code to launch the Kubernetes pods.

provider "kubernetes"{
   config_context_cluster = "minikube"

resource "kubernetes_deployment"  "test1" {
     metadata {
        spec {
      replicas =3
      selector {
        match_labels = {
             test = "wp"
             test = "wp"

resource "kubernetes_service" "lb1"{
     spec {
     selector ={
     test = "wp"
     node_port = 31000
     port      = 80
     target_port = 80
     type= "NodePort"

Then we have to run this code.

terraform apply

This will launch Wordpress on a pod launched by terraform.

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As you can see we have launched, The wordpress.

Now, we have to launch the Amazon RDS. in which we have to launch MYSQL Data base.

provider "aws"{
 region = "ap-south-1"
 profile = "Amit"
resource "aws_db_instance"  "mydb"{
   allocated_storage = 10 
   storage_type = "gp2"
   engine = "mysql"
   engine_version = "5.7"
   instance_class = "db.t2.micro"
   name           = "RDS_db"
   username = "amit"
   password = "amit123"
   port     = "3306"
   parameter_group_name = "default.mysql5.7"
   iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
   publicly_accessible = true
   skip_final_snapshot = true
   tags = {
     Name = "mydb"

We have to launch MYSQL database using terraform on AWS inside RDS.

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Now as you can see the Amazon RDS is launched successfully.

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As you can see that we have launched Wordpress successfully.

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Hope you had liked my article. like and comment !!

Thank You !

Vishal Dhole

SDE @Sarvaha Systems | Full Stack Web Developer | Angular | Node.js | Problem Solving | AWS

4 年

Good work


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