Hybrid for life - and smarter meetings with cats
Barbara Karuth-Zelle
Member of the Board of Management & Group Chief Operating Officer @ Allianz | Digital Optimist | Ocean Activist
"Mute, please mute." What is this? 2019? All that pandemic education and experience over the last few years, gone out the window.?
OK, honestly, whether they are muted or not, this particular meeting. Puh. I used to say, the worst ones were where the?cookies were the best part, but sitting at home: no cookies. Sigh. Maybe I can quietly do some emails... At least I admit it. Those emails pile up. Still, it is impolite, but?still: the temptation. The temptation. Well, just one email. I really am trying to pay attention. Attention to... what meeting is this? The sub-committee for the project steering group about efficiency something-something. Hmm. I think, I'm sitting in the middle of a great example of something to eliminate for more efficiency.
Mindful, three deep breaths, focus. What are they saying? Actually, it's hard to tell because one group on the WebEx is sitting together in person in a meeting room and have started a conversation that no one online can hear. Again: where is our learning curve? There is already a lot of?best practice to be found all over the internet, and we even covered this extensively at our #Allianz Digital Session on Hybrid Work(place).
My own #hybridhack?mantra comes back to me: If you have nothing to contribute to a meeting - or at least something to learn - don't attend.?
Hybrid work drives that home. We can't go back to how things were pre-pandemic. This is our opportunity to create a new meeting culture… It's?about reflecting on the people at the virtual table. What is the point of having each of them here? And how do we involve them and keep them engaged in the meeting? …hahah, yes, to see their cats, or their well equipped book shelves or the amazing bar…
And here she is... Thank goodness: one colleague's cat just appeared on the screen. Blessed interruption. Hi, kitty!!! Oooh, aaah. Many grateful faces.
Now back to the PowerPoint. Slide 98. …a text from my son (so glad he is eating more vegetables!). Hilarious meme. Yes! Ha-ha! Laughing-tears emoji, heart heart.
I start to take some notes on how to be better: moments to arrive, shorter sessions, when email and Teams messages will do, switching up meeting formats, just a phone call (then we can go on a virtual walk together!), simple care and consideration... More and more notes, scribbling away.
Suddenly a voice says, "OK, that's it, thank you very much!" We all unmute: "Good-bye!"
I'm taking more notes. I'd love to see yours!
Begeisternde Führungspers?nlichkeit
2 年I love your honesty Barbara??
Global Cloud Transform. & Migration, Tribe lead @Allianz
2 年I feel the same dilemma in some virtual meetings. I suspect that it is also a general social phenomenon due to the increasing number of social media. We all are nowadays getting used to short videos that are right down to the point, very catchy, pulling your attention to show clear messages. Those high quality presentations are everywhere and getting pushed into your eyes. In comparison, it takes quite long discussions and brainstorming to come to the point and to produce clear results in meetings. Are we unconsciously becoming inpatient to see conclusions? As you write, we should also learn each other through the process of reaching our goals. Thank you for reminding me this important aspect of collaboration!!!
Head of Group Organizational Management and High Performance Organization
2 年No cats here but I keep mandala coloring book at hand (and colorful pencils ?borrowed” from my 5 yr old). Keeps me focused on the webex and away from the e-mails piling up ??. Does not help with useless meetings though…
Leading Internal Communications at Allianz Global Investors | Yoga teacher
2 年?? on point! I'd say it's a three way street: 1) do we need the meeting to take place or could it be replaced by a one-to-one chat, call, email...? 2) let's all be more mindful of who we invite to a meeting 3) we should all feel empowered to kindly decline invitations if as you say, we don't have anything to contribute nor to learn. Would allow for more time to be spent on things that really matter ??