Hyatt & Weber’s Christopher Buck Accepts Large Charitable Donation After Assisting in Successful Fundraising Drive for Anne Arundel County CASA

Hyatt & Weber attorney Christopher Buck receiving the donation for CASA at Annapolis Subaru. Photo Credit: KRR Photography, LTD

Hyatt & Weber’s Christopher Buck Accepts Large Charitable Donation After Assisting in Successful Fundraising Drive for Anne Arundel County CASA

Ten years ago, Hyatt & Weber attorney Chris Buck joined the board of the Anne Arundel County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for abused and neglected children because he discovered a critical need: Too many children in the county foster care system didn’t have someone with their best interests at heart who would speak on their behalf in court. To remedy this situation, CASA set out to achieve the goal of serving all children in the county foster care system and enlisted Buck’s help.

“We don’t serve all of the kids in the system yet because we just don’t have enough CASAs,” Buck said. “If we have enough CASAs, we can serve every child.”

Recently, Buck accepted a donation of $46,401 on behalf of CASA from Annapolis Subaru after the auto dealership named CASA their 2017 Share the Love recipient. During the Share the Love event that ran from November 16, 2017 to January 2, 2018, Subaru of America, Inc. and Annapolis Subaru made a financial donation to the charitable organization of the customer’s choice for every new Subaru sold or leased. In December 2017 alone, 87% of people who purchased or leased cars at Annapolis Subaru selected CASA as their charitable organization.

“We had been in the process of putting together a comprehensive three- to five-year plan that would allow us to serve every child in the system. To do that can cost as much as $5,000 per child per year, so we knew it would take around $150,000 to meet our goal,” Buck said. “It’s an ambitious goal, and when you can get almost one-third of the way there with one check, it brings the goal within reach.”

Annapolis Subaru announced at the next ceremony when they delivered their donation that CASA had been designated as the recipient of the Annapolis Subaru 2018 Share the Love campaign as well. Hyatt & Weber is proud to congratulate Buck and Annapolis Subaru on this significant achievement. 

On May 3, Hyatt & Weber will be a sponsor of the 18th annual Tee Up for a Child Golf Tournament at the Eisenhower Golf Course in Crownsville, Maryland. Buck and several of his Hyatt & Weber colleagues will be participating in the tournament as players.

“We’re not just a sponsor,” Buck said. “We also participate because we believe in the mission of CASA. We truly believe that what we are doing will make a difference in the lives of the children we hope to serve.”


Since 1979, Hyatt & Weber, P.A. has served Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and surrounding areas of Maryland, DC, and Virginia in our practice areas of: real estate, land use & zoning, business & banking, estate planning & probate, employment, maritime, commercial and civil litigation, medical malpractice, and personal injury law.


