Hw to read your Boss - Tiel 3 Patience
"'Ok, we are done now, I want some feedback now on me," said the Dean. They listened carefully. They were not sure what feedback was being asked for, remember he is the Dean. The Dean continued, "I noticed you closed up during the meeting and were just listening to me. I did not get any of your views." Tom garnered some courage and said, "Well, I sensed that there was no point of arguing as you wanted this way and so we agree. But this ice breaker is good, of you asking feedback from us. Will be nice if you could do with all staff." "Do you think I have time for that! As well as, I have a responsibility to deliver and I need to make decisions. I don't think I can listen to all your views."
Tom explained the incident which brought him to me. I asked the same question, describe your boss.
"He is good, listens carefully when he talks to us, but makes his decision. If you are in luck and it matches yours, then you get some appreciation. I can sense his irritation through his body language, he gets really jittery, but still listens. I kind of know what he likes and does not."
"So you are already managing him, right" I implored.
"Yes, I say things that he concurs with and agrees. Rest all I don't say. But I feel bad that I am not doing justice to my job. So I give my views in a one-line and explain if I see an interest in that. Else, I shut up."
What else?
"Well, I am doing good. I think I will go along. Also, I need to update my knowledge so that I can present my views in a short crisp manner.
One more conversation ended.