HVOF Tungsten Carbide
PT Teknokraftindo Asia
Thermal Spray, HVOF, PTA Welding, Exotic Alloy, Gas Detection Solution
Coating proses HVOF (High Velocity Oxygen Fuel) adalah proses spray termal yang menggunakan aliran oxygen dan bahan bakar yang tinggi kecepatannya untuk mendorong material yang meleleh atau semi-meleleh ke permukaan. Proses ini sering digunakan untuk menerapkan lapisan tungsten carbide, material yang keras dan tahan lama dengan tingkat tahan aus dan erosi yang tinggi.
Tungsten carbide merupakan pilihan populer untuk lapisan HVOF karena kekuatannya yang tinggi dan tahan aus. Biasanya digunakan pada sleeves pump dan plungers pump, dimana bisa memberikan pelindung terhadap material abrasif dan memperpanjang masa pakai peralatan.
Lapisan HVOF dari tungsten carbide bisa diterapkan pada shaft pump, sleeves pump dan plungers pump menggunakan berbagai teknik, termasuk spray and fuse, dan HVOF spray. Lapisan ini bisa diterapkan dengan ketebalan yang beragam, tergantung pada tingkat perlindungan yang diinginkan dan aplikasi spesifik.
Salah satu keuntungan dari lapisan HVOF adalah bisa diterapkan pada bentuk-bentuk dan geometri yang rumit, sehingga cocok untuk digunakan pada berbagai komponen pump. Selain itu, lapisan HVOF memiliki hasil akhir yang halus dan rata, dan bisa diterapkan dalam lapisan tipis, sehingga cocok untuk digunakan dalam aplikasi dimana material yang terakumulasi minimal diinginkan.
Secara keseluruhan, lapisan HVOF dari tungsten carbide bisa memberikan tingkat perlindungan yang tinggi dan masa pakai yang diperpanjang untuk sleeves pump dan plungers pump di lingkungan abrasif dan tingkat aus yang tinggi.
Tungsten carbide (WC) is known for its high hardness and wear resistance, making it an ideal material for use in high-wear environments. The hardness of tungsten carbide is typically measured using the Vickers hardness scale, which is abbreviated as HV.
The Vickers hardness of tungsten carbide can range from 1500 HV to 2200 HV, depending on the specific composition and microstructure of the material. Tungsten carbide with a higher Vickers hardness rating will have better wear resistance and a longer service life.
In HVOF (High Velocity Oxygen Fuel) coatings, tungsten carbide particles are heated to an elevated temperature and then sprayed onto a surface using a high-velocity stream of oxygen and fuel gases. The resulting coating has a high Vickers hardness, typically in the range of 1000 HV to 1500 HV.
HVOF coatings of tungsten carbide can provide an elevated level of wear resistance and extended service life for pump sleeves and pump plungers in abrasive environments. The high Vickers hardness of the coating helps to protect the substrate from wear and erosion and can significantly extend the life of the equipment.
The Vickers hardness (HV) of a material is a measure of its resistance to indentation and is typically used to measure the hardness of materials with a microstructural scale, such as metals and alloys. The Rockwell hardness (HRc) is another common scale used to measure the hardness of materials and is often used to measure the hardness of harder materials, such as ceramics and hardened steels.
There is a relationship between the Vickers hardness (HV) and Rockwell hardness (HRc) of a material, but the conversion between the two scales is not linear. In order to convert the Vickers hardness of a material to Rockwell hardness, a conversion table or formula must be used.
For example, tungsten carbide (WC) is a hard and durable material with a high resistance to wear and erosion. The Vickers hardness of tungsten carbide can range from 1500 HV to 2200 HV, depending on the specific composition and microstructure of the material.
The Rockwell hardness of tungsten carbide can be converted from the Vickers hardness using a conversion table or formula. For example, a tungsten carbide material with a Vickers hardness of 1500 HV may have a Rockwell hardness of 88 HRc.
In summary, the Vickers hardness (HV) and Rockwell hardness (HRc) are two different scales used to measure the hardness of materials. There is a relationship between the two scales, but a conversion table or formula must be used to convert between the two.