HVMAN The Radio Documentary
★ Daniel Hernandez ★
* Published Author * "HI, I Am Dan The Man, Your Concierge" "Naughty Confessions From The Men's Room" And . . . "Why Not Take It To Infinity?"
Wednesday June 27, 2018, 7pm, EST.
It was so amazing being a guest on your Radio Show at Valencia College in Orlando. I had an incredible time with your exuberance! Truly, your professionalism ranks with the biggest names in the radio business! I really enjoyed your positive vibes and your sensational radio interview; remembering the grand moments of greatness! I will always remember your great radio show; our conversation was fun, exuberant and you are on the top of your profession! Troy, you are a man of pride, integrity, passion, a positive mind-set and a beautiful image of a respectable winner! Thank you for a wonderful opportunity,
Dan The Man www.outskirtspress.com/dantheman