Hustle With All Your Heart
Kelly Merbler
Leadership Development Consultant ??l Keynote Speaker ?? l Gallup Certified StrengthsFinder (CliftonStrengths) Executive Coach l The Kelly of Coffee ?? With Kelly l Culture & Engagement l Maxwell Leadership Faculty
On December 15, 2017, I stood firm on what I wanted my life to look like and altered my direction. The Y in the road was in front of me.
That very next day, December 16, 2017, the scary part of my choice came into view, my decision meant that I was transitioning out of the comforts that most of us come to rely on in life. In short, it was "goodbye" to my steady paycheck, a stable career spanning twenty-one years, health benefits, and numerous other attributes that I had become accustomed to enjoying throughout my career.
I chose the path where I would become solely reliant on the belief that my gifts and talents would become the primary path to success and personal fulfillment. I also knew that would come with substantial risk in order to get where I wanted to go. I took control of my destiny and said to myself, "I will make it happen at all costs".
It was time to begin making down payments on my future and that meant sacrifice because it wasn't going to just come knocking on my door. It was "GAME TIME"!
I had to hustle, and fast because I had two young boys and a family which required financial support. I took a deep breath, set aside time for some very prudent planning and put my heart into every aspect of my business launch. I was not going to let go of the future that I had envisioned for myself. I just had to go build it for myself and steer away from those, "I can't do it thoughts" which allow us to slowdown and reconsider the safer path of a comfy job.
I recently watched an Formula One race car driver being interviewed about his success. He mentioned how one of the hardest things to overcome as a driver had to do with entering a sharp corner and resisting the natural temptation to heavily apply the brakes. Instead, he relied on his skills (i.e. gift), confidence in his plan, and the vehicle (i.e. your strength) to allow himself to stomp on the gas and do what others would likely consider to be crazy. In that same vein, I was facing my race car moment as I entered that bend in my career track... I did not hesitate!
Below are my top three tips that helped me reach where I am today (Disclaimer: I am by no means attempting to say, "I have made it"!! I am not even close to reaching my maximum potential!).
- Begin to study daily (yes, EVERYDAY) what you want to focus on as your path to transition into the evolved version of yourself. It begins with making more time to work on your craft. Please do yourself a favor and shut down the Facebook and Instagram scrolls or at least dramatically limit the time you allocate to these activities. They are pulling you away from focusing on your craft. When the kids go to bed, or you awake extra early, you can find 20 minutes in there I promise if you really want it. Yes, I was tired, but I wanted it more than I was tired. I had to hustle, my direct deposit was cut off and I had made the decision to be "all in" on this new path.
- STOP listening to what other people say are your strengths. You are the ONLY person who should determine what your strengths are in life. Only you know what you do really well AND leaves you feeling fulfilled while doing it. If you are good at something but it leaves you feeling drained after you do it, I have news for you, it's likely NOT your strength. In fact, most often it is a weakness which will become increasingly frustrating along the way if that is what you spend most of your time doing.
- Keep reminding yourself that you are doing this for YOU. It is critical to maintain the perspective that all of this hard work will be worth it in the end. You deserve to have the life you want to have and you are worth it!
- Hustle hard, and hustle with all your heart.
To your hustle,
#leadership #hustle #kellymerblercompany #growth #mindset #management #inspiration #humanresources #coaching #gallup #johnmaxwellteam #keynotespeaker #coach #organizationaldevelopment #motivation #mentor #innercircle
Customer Service Specialist at FedEx
5 年Wow LOVE IT! especially the social media comment on scrolling Facebook and Instagram was a direct HIT! good source to keep in contact with friends and family but not a self achieving growing network of education for personal growth! ??????
Mgr OSP Planning and Engineering Design α Project Manager α Research α Coordinator
5 年I've been hustling with all my heart. My last paycheck from AT&T was on April 6th, 2019 and now I can see how my time, money, and energy is focused on performing tasks that are valuable enough for me to yield income from it. My aim is to remain a free woman. ?
Senior Product Support Analyst @ Liine
5 年Love this! Trying to hustle now before I get spoiled with the 401k job and real adult responsibilities ??
?? #1 C2B Video Platform (104 Languages) ??Auto Hub Show Host ?? Ai Enthusiast ?? Fundraiser ??Trainer ?? Automotive Expert & Car Nut ?? Speaker ??Go To Market Stategist ?? People Connector
5 年Exactly
Entrepreneur inspiring people with Christian values for success. Loan Officer at Zillow Home Loans, LLC NMLS ID#1770245
5 年This really resonates with me. Thank you for sharing your story.