Hus Letter, May

Hus Letter, May

Summary of Hus-Letter, May

1. ?? News: Summary of Main news on April

2. ???? Introduction: Central Lab service #8_stool sample analysis service

3. ?? Huscience Upcoming event

?? News

?? Section Introduction: This section introduces important news on March by keyword. You can press each keyword to find out more about it.

?? Keyword news

①?New Drug Development: Currently, schizophrenia treatments can only weaken symptoms by directly blocking dopamine receptors. However, recently, Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), a global company, applied for approval of a new drug that demonstrates the long-term effectiveness and safety of 'KarXT' and does not show side effects of drugs such as weight gain. In addition, as CMG Pharmaceutical in Korea is about to be approved by the FDA for an improved new drug called 'Depipzo', an oral dissolution film formulation, interest in a drug with high treatment compliance is increasing.


② Alternatives to animal testing : To replace experiments in which rodents and mammals are sacrificed in the development of cosmetics and drugs around the world, 'organoid' and 'organ-on-a-chip' are developed, and translational research is ?being used to reduce the gap between preclinical and actual clinical trials. In fact, JW Pharmaceutical is proceeding translational research using zebrafish, which is about 80% similar in genetic characteristics to humans, to increase the success rate of clinical trials, and U.S. non-clinical CRO Charles River announced that it will launch an "alternative methods advancement project" worth a total of 680 billion won.


③ Seoul Bio-Hub: The Seoul Metropolitan Government opened the Global Center, Seoul Bio-Hub's fourth cornerstone for global expansion on the 25th. The center was built to support the growth of bio companies and to provide a space for cooperation for networking with global companies, and it is organized with working spaces, public laboratories, and conference rooms. The Seoul Metropolitan Government expects that the reinforcement of research equipment will help startups that have been difficult to prepare and use ultra-high-priced bio-medical R&D equipment.


④ Academic Conference: The Spring International Conference of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association, which was held for three days from April 17th to 19th under the theme of "Opening New Convergence for Future Pharmaceutical Sciences" gathered more than 1,400 people, creating a place for communication and exchange between pharmacy and industry. Educational session for undergraduate and graduate students was popular due to paper writing and omics analysis using ChatGPT, and academic session was conducted by experts in ADC and gene therapy, which are currently in the spotlight.


⑤ FDA Approved: The U.S. FDA has approved Pfizer's gene therapy drug, Beqvez, for the treatment of type B hemophilia. Type B hemophilia, which has 38,000 patients worldwide, occurs when the ninth factor among clotting factors is missing. Unlike conventional hemophilia treatments, Beqvez is expected to be an effective treatment because it can produce blood clotting factors in the body with just one time treatment.

???? Introduction

?? This section introduces the analysis service or equipment that Central Lab mainly uses.

Central Lab service #8_stool sample analysis service

Today, I would like to introduce stool sample analysis service. Stool tests are performed for various reasons and are usually conducted to check for digestive-related diseases. I would like to briefly introduce what kind of tests can be performed through stool samples.

? Tests that can be done with stool samples

The mainly used stool test methods and features are shown in the table below, and in addition to this, you can see various markers using stool.

? Precautions for collecting, transporting, and storing stool samples

Typically, stool is collected in a sterile plastic container. Samples are transported and stored at room temperature or refrigerated, depending on the test type.

? A disease that can be diagnosed by a stool specimen

The diseases that can be identified through various stool tests are as follows.

? About the Fat stool quantitative test

Although not mentioned above, the stool FAT test is provided by many analytical institutions as a test to detect fat in stool, diagnose malabsorption, and check the presence or absence of Steatorrhea (fat stool).

However, this is a qualitative test, which only determines the presence or absence of fat, but has difficulty in analyzing specific numerical value. For companies that want to conduct a quantitative stool fat test in Korea, Huscience provides a quantitative stool analysis service by establishing a cooperative relationship with global Central Lab.

If you are interested in conducting clinical/human application tests/research experiments using stool sample, please contact the quotation below to start the conversation ? ? ? ? ? ?

??Huscience Event

?? This section is to inform you about the events that Huscience is hosting. If you are interested in Huscience's Central Lab service, meet a BD manager at those events for consultation.

?? Upcoming event

?? Huscience will participate in CPHI North America, held in Philadelphia from May 7th to 9th!

You can find Huscience in booth #1348.

If you are interested in Central Lab or have any questions, Feel free to stop by the booth and receive the information you want and a special gift! ??

We look forward to meeting and communicating with lots of people in bio-industry. ??

?? Huscience will participate in Bio Korea at COEX on May 8th - 10th!

In Bio Korea, we are planning to mainly focus on partnering, and have a meeting with Australian CRO and Central Lab, which will collaborate with!

In addition, if you have any questions or interests regarding Central Lab, please feel free to contact us through email below and we will help arrange the meeting!

? ? [email protected]



