Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!
According to #consultant , Peter Block, #speed is the enemy of depth. I’ll say it again, mostly for my benefit, and maybe for yours too #friends, speed is the enemy of depth!??
At #work, we lack deep relationships and people skills, because we are constantly in a state of hurry, hurry, hurry!
A survey by #Microsoft found that 77 percent of young adults answered, “yes” when asked, “when nothing is occupying my attention, the first thing I do is reach for my phone.”
In his book,?The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, author John Mark Comer says that “our new normal is our #digital world robbing us of being present with others.”
But the cool thing is God teaches us the rhythm of Sabbath in his word from #genesis 1 through the end of #revelation.
In Genesis 2, we read the heavens and earth were finished, and on the seventh day God rested from all His work.
The part that I love most about this verse is that he blessed that day and made it #holy. He #sanctified it!?
He chilled out, and took a #break.
I want to point out two things here that author John Mark Comer mentions in a chapter about the #sabbath in?The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, and then a third thing that I just threw in as an observation.
The Sabbath is BLESSED.?
In the creation story, three things are #blessed .
He blessed the animal #kingdom by saying what: Be fruitful and multiply.
He blessed humans by saying what: Be fruitful and multiply.
THEN God blessed the Sabbath!
So, if God blessed animals, humans and then an actual day, what does is He trying to teach me (and maybe you?)
It means, that the Sabbath just like an animal or a human has life to multiply. To fill the world up, to fill us up with even more #life! It’s how we fill our souls back up with life.?
The Sabbath is HOLY.
“Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it Holy.” Exodus 20:8?
Maybe that is why #god had to command the Israelites (and me) to Sabbath because He knew we wouldn’t do it…it’s actually the only spiritual disciple that makes it into the 10 Commandments.?
I also love it when God tells us remember in scripture because we as humans are prone to amnesia aren’t, we??
It’s easy to get sucked into the life of hurry!?
Remember, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
The Sabbath is a rhythm?
God has been teaching me a lot about my Sabbath. But probably my biggest take away is that for me to really Sabbath well takes some training during the week.
So, what does this mean? I can’t run 90 mph with my hair on fire six days a week, then expect to slam on the breaks for Sabbath and feel rested.??
So now, I’m taking a #lunch hour. (Well, not today, I’m writing this post…)?
Sometimes that means I take a walk or enjoy time with friends, read a book or listen to a fun podcast. So yes, we are meant to work, then rest.?
To STOP. To trust the Lord that we will get all of our work done the rest of the week. Our souls, our bodies need Sabbath.
After #jesus rises from the dead he says, “Look I am making everything new again!” He is taking us back to that Genesis 1 text again.?
The work of putting all things in their perfect place has started again.?
During the next few weeks, let’s celebrate Sabbath well so that God can put everything exactly where it belongs.
Shannon W. Martin is the Director of Communications for a nonprofit in Texas.