Hunting the Mule Deer Rut with Infinite Outdoors

Living in the west has a lot of benefits; big skies, cool temps, great scenery and much more. However, one of our favorite things about this country is chasing big Mule Deer in the fall. And there is no better time to do this than during the rut. It’s the time when those big bucks let down their guard and come out from hiding to show off and protect their does from competitors. It’s not uncommon to see several bucks you didn’t even know where in the area show up once the rut starts to kick in, and that is part of what makes it so special.

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For me, Halloween isn’t just a time to eat too much candy and dress up in some weird costume, it signifies the start of November, when the cooler temps start to stick around for good and the mule deer start putting their noses in the air. The whole month of November can produce good rutting action. Early on you may see smaller bucks chasing does with larger more dominant bucks hanging close by watching the action. As we get into the middle and end of the month, those large bucks will start to roam, often covering several miles in a day looking for the right doe. Whether you’re hunting the high alpine or the plains, the tactics remain the same, find the does and wait for the big bucks to show themselves.

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Mule deer are genetically a migratory species. If you are hunting mountainous terrain, look for deer to start to migrate out of the high snowy peaks and down into the lower country as November approaches. Look for bucks and does cruising south facing slopes, often in grass and/or sage, in the morning and evening light. They will often find areas that have some timber or scrub oak cover where they can bed during the day to avoid the sun and still be close to feed and water. If you are hunting the plains, the deer may not move far from their summer range however they will become more driven by food sources as the colder weather sets in. Look for deer to hit food sources such as winter wheat, corn and hay fields. Like any big game out west, finding a vantage point over a travel corridor or food source is always a great place to start to access what deer are in the area.

Finding a buck during the rut can often be easy if you know where to look. Knowing how to identify a mature buck vs a young buck can sometimes be a harder task, especially as bucks “swell” up for the rut. Mule deer typically have a much larger frame than their more widely hunted counterparts, whitetail. A mature buck can easily weigh over 300 lbs on the hoof and when combined with a big rack can be a surprisingly big critter. A good indicator of a mature buck is the rack size. We often look for a good frame, with an outside spread nearing the width of its ears or having good mass. Mule Deer ears, create a spread of about 26” when relaxed to the sides, if the rack of the buck you have in your sights reaches the outside of its ears, you likely have a good deer in front of you. Number of points can also be a good indication in many cases. While non-typical racks are fairly common amongst mule deer, a buck with a symmetrical 3x3 or 4x4 frame is usually a deer that has reached maturity. While we are not just trophy hunters here are Infinite Outdoors, we do focus on conservation and understand that removing more mature bucks from a heard can improve heard dynamics and increase diversity for years to come. By passing on smaller bucks we allow them to procreate and diversify the heard makeup.

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No matter what caliber buck you are looking to harvest, or even if you are just looking to fill the freezer with a doe tag, the rut can be a great time to do it. By getting out and contributing to the conservation of these great animals we can all help assure they are around for the next generation to hunt and enjoy them. Sharing a November mule deer hunt with friends and family always leads to great memories and we look forward to it every year.

So remember to shoot straight, play the wind and take a minute to enjoy the beauty of November this year when your out chasing mule deer. Thanks for your continued support and as always reach out to us at Infinite Outdoors for your next DIY private land adventure!

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