Hunters At Heart: Julie Honnens de Lichtenberg
Todays hunter is one of our Sales Supporters, Julie Honnens de Lichtenberg here at Outfit International.
"Before I started working at Outfit International, I didn’t know much about hunting, and I really did not have an opinion about it. But here, 10 years later, working with it in some kind daily, I can’t imagine being without this knowledge I have learned...It should be mandatory for all to take a hunting course because you learn so much about our wildlife and nature."
What inspired you to become a hunter? What sparked your interest?
?When I was asked if I would like to start taking the hunting license course, even before I started at Outfit International, I did not hesitate to say yes.
The practice sparked my interest in hunting, and it was a nice way to meet my new colleagues as well. The course gave me important knowledge I use in my daily work at Outfit International.
I had so much fun during clay shooting practice that for one season, I was part of a division shooting team at the local shooting range. It was so much fun, and we actually did quite well, but unfortunately, some did better.?
None in my family have a hunting license, but in spite of that, I grew up in a home with trophies decorating the walls and my great grandfather’s old rifles hanging in the middle of the living room.
When my brother and I were kids, we were allowed to shoot with my father’s airgun in the garden, where we “killed” lots of porcelain plates and made holes in pots and pans.
I am quite interested in history, and my family has an interesting history of hunting.
My great-grandfather and grandmother lived on a rubber plantation in Malaysia, and I have pictures of them hunting tigers and elephants, with the rifles hanging in my parents' living room. It was another time back then, and luckily for that!?
All the trophies hanging in my childhood home are from bucks and deer shot by my great-grandfather on some of the family estates in Jylland. Some of the trophies are more than 100 years old, but they are still very decorative and tell a story.
So, hunting has been part of my life in some way, even though I did not think much of it when I was younger.
What does hunting mean to you?
I have only been on a few hunts, but unfortunately, I never had the chance to shoot anything.
The thing I like the most is being out in nature, taking trails that you don’t normally walk. On a hunt, you are forced to go away from the main path and see nature from another perspective. There is something liberating about crawling through dense undergrowth and wading across a muddy field.
Many people live stressful lives. When you go on a hunt or just go out in nature, you clear your mind and become present in the present.
I love the outdoor life, and for a few years, I have been responsible for a group of family Scouts together with my older brother. Recently I arranged for the kids to have a close look at some killed birds I got from a colleague. The kids were so interested in folding out the wings, feeling the difference between the feathers of the birds in between. Look into the throat of a duck and find the “exit” of a pheasant. We talked about the differences between the birds, where they live, what they eat, etc. The kids were completely engrossed in it, and so were their parents. It was a nice opportunity for me to give the families this “wildlife” experience.?
What’s a hunt that’s stuck with you???
?I was on a hunt with Outfit International while I was getting my hunting license, so unfortunately, I were not been allowed to shoot yet.
I was placed at a small waterhole with my colleague, and suddenly, the ducks came flying over our heads. I didn’t have any expectations for the hunt, as it was my first hunt ever. But he shot so many ducks at that waterhole that the ducks were literally flying around our ears…
A few days later, he served homemade duck tartlets for lunch for the whole company, and it was such a nice experience.
On another duck hunt, also with Outfit International, I was placed with my gun in an area with high vegetation covering my head. I was standing completely quiet and waited for some ducks to come my way, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant roebuck stood 3 meters from me, looking right into my eyes. It made my heart stop for a moment to be that close to such a large animal in the wild.
Another type of hunt that’s stuck with me as well is the hunt for the perfect picture.
Some years ago, I was lucky to travel to ?re in Sweden, helping the marketing team on a photo shoot for H?rkila. It was a great experience. We saw wild reindeer running around in the open fields, and a moose was killed and served for dinner. We were out taking pictures in areas that were very difficult to reach, but areas hunters go to. It was a memorable trip.
What’s something you would like a non-hunter to understand??
I would say that all these “Hunters by Heart” stories tell everything…
What’s something people would be surprised to know about hunting?
Maybe not that surprising, but hunters are gear freaks!
As my work in SalesSupport includes contact with our end consumers, it is clear how detailed hunters are. We get questions about weight, technologies, types of membranes etc. Only the best is good enough.
What’s the best thing about hunting??
The experience you get in and with nature and wildlife.
Another thing I really like is the dedication when a colleague tells about a hunt he or she has been on the day before. It is true storytelling, and no details are left out.
What’s your best advice for fellow hunters???
Invest, maybe just a little, of your time in new hunters and non-hunters because they matter. Give them an experience by taking them out for a hunt or asking if they would like to help with wildlife care. I appreciated that I got the opportunity when I was a new hunter. ?
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned as a hunter??
?Before I started working at Outfit International, I didn’t know much about hunting, and I really did not have an opinion about it. But here, 10 years later, working with it on some kind of daily, I can’t imagine being without this knowledge I have learned.
It should be mandatory for all to take a hunting course because you learn so much about our wildlife and nature.?