The Hunter
A monkey, a parrot, a fish and a duck gathered at the riverside to talk and chat and enjoy some bananas. Suddenly a hunter appeared from the bushes. All saw him and everyone began to escape. The monkey ran, the parrot flew, the fish swam and the duck that knew also to run, fly and swim, remained standing in place. Having trouble deciding what to do next and how to get away … Yes, it got caught!
Point to ponder 1: Do you wish to get caught or win the day?
Given that the hunter is TIME this tale aims to guide us that we need to decide fast in which direction and which path we want to go and not procrastinate, furthermore for many it is better to specialize and become better at something than to have several talents that you do not really get you anywhere.
On the personal level it is easy to see the moral; nonetheless, from a global perspective there is more to the story, thinking of the future of humanity.
Point to ponder 2: How much TIME do we have?
Modern Global leaders, as the duck in that story, need to effectively familiarize themselves with the psychological, physiological, geographical, geopolitical, anthropological and sociological effects of globalization, this is not an easy mission to master those well as a conductor leading an orchestra, and yet ensuring that the melody is played in harmony.
Point to ponder 3: Do we have the kind of Global leaders that can and will lead us toward a better future for all of mankind?
Again, given the fact that the hunter is time, we don’t have much time left, climate change, terror threats, political instability, the internet and the rapid technological progression, they all have their effect on us - humanity.
Now think for a moment, what if the duck and his friends would have prepared, say placing one of them to be on guard, so when the hunter arrives, the guard will alert them all. That sort of thinking is what we need, “Collaboration is more powerful then competition”, and being creative enough to see how we can cooperate not just within our group but also between groups. Not “us” and “them” but “We”, and 'We' my friends, have no choice but start seeing ourselves as part of humanity.
Yes, now we have the tools and the technology as to reach a collective awakening as to grow the circle of “We” and solve our society’s challenges together. As nowadays, more and more people acquire new appreciation and respect for nature; they develop sensitivity for human beings and discover that differences between people in various fields such as sex, race, color, language, political conviction or religious belief, are not a threat but interesting and enriching. These people understand that other people, whether they are neighbors or whether they are overseas or of generations yet to be born, are not different from them and there is no room for indifference in relation to their fate.
Point to ponder 4: Where are you in the story?
Always look beyond the individual level. One must understand the culture he or she is part of, and who are their friends and families and where they come from. It is necessary to respect the notion that the world in which we live in and the people with whom we surround ourselves have a profound impact on who we are.
Point to ponder 5: What should we do?
We must begin to focus our minds that we are parts of one whole system that includes all human beings, and begin to treat others accordingly. An altruistic attitude to others means turning your intention, your thoughts and your concern for the benefit of others. Wishing all other people to receive all the necessary for their existence, but beyond the widespread concern to welfare it is about concentrating your thoughts to raise the level of awareness of others. You should desire that everyone will feel part of a single over whole system.
This is first of all an inside job at the level of thought. It is important to delve into this idea and do not let it away of our minds, as surely to happen. We must regard great importance to such thoughts as in which our happiness and our peace are dependent on, and with their help we can survive all problems. Though the issue seems abstract at first, actually in it, and in it alone, depend our good future.
Apart of altruistic attitude towards others at the level of our thought, we can also practice altruistic action - as sharing with others our knowledge about the purpose of life and about how to implement it. If we shared the importance of this awareness to others and now they share even some of it, recognizing the problem and moving toward a solution, then we caused a positive change in the same system we are all parts of. As a result, our awareness will intensify more and more and we will sure enough to feel these positive changes in our lives.
One person that amends his attitude to others is making a difference in humanity as a whole; see it as a social “butterfly effect”. In fact, it is possible to draw the relationship between yourself and the rest of humanity: you and all mankind are in the same system, but others depend entirely in the way you interact with them. The whole world is in your hands.
As we join together, forming networks of human concern about the future, we will find the strength and wisdom needed to create a better future for all.
With playful regards,