Hunter 1 - Cinematography
Hunter 1 is a new film from Shane Wright. The film is set in the near future where any person who commits a minor crime is sent into the woods to be hunted. The story follows three guys trying to survive from a Hunter; Hunter 1 - the best there is.
We recently just finished our third day of filming and we have about 3 more to go possibly 4. Before going into filming I knew the director's personality and knew he loved western films. He also loves sci-fi elements. So while looking for references for the film I knew I had to take a look at certain films including:
No Country for Old Men, Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Prisoners; As well as video games like Halo & BioShock?(with its sequels)?which are some of my favorites, as well as my favorite TV show Breaking Bad.
I also knew going into filming we would be outside with a ton of harsh lights. I decided to use a matte box with the 'Black Pro Mist' glass filter on it for the Panasonic GH3. This created a nice soft feather around the characters I would be filming along with its own type of color correction.
As you will see below
I love using the wide shots to give a sense of isolation, and balance. Also, people may look at these stills and think that it's all color correction but mostly it isn't... I knew the director wanted to go bluer for an overall color tint on the film. So what I did to save him time and for him to see a rough look at what it will be in editing I did not white balance. I used the white balance from incandescent lighting because if you use that white balance underneath direct sunlight it will create a natural blue tone.
I did do the color correction as well, I will show a side-by-side of the images before color correction and after.
I am happy to be on this project and I can't wait to tell you more about it!