The Hunt.

So, I have recently been enlightened about opinions, more specifically ‘my opinions’.

What is an opinion? If we go by the definition it reads ‘a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.’ However according to some intellectuals their opinion is inclusive of all the correct facts. We all know, rather we all our now accustomed to waking up to a rape case or molestation news every day, but along with that people have started giving their opinions too, well obviously it isn’t wrong in fact it’s good that people are voicing out but what’s not good is them saying anything and everything in the name of ‘my opinion , my thoughts’ or they’ll just bring up their legal rights-freedom of speech, and by them I mean few men , few men who are good men. So now let me explain you how the male population is divided, few of them are the loud criminals hunting the females , feeding on their body and the rest are the few ‘good men’, voicing their opinions, by saying ‘not all men are the same’, well I call it defending those animals. Yes sir not all men are same, if they all would be predators then who would defend them so that they can freely move around in the broad day light while we sit at home taking all the precautions , leaving the house only with an army of men and doing that candle march.

They keep saying that women are slowly reaching to justice well first of all thankyou sir for letting us and second justice? oh no we never even get close to it. All we get to do is put up our stories , strip ourselves naked again in front of the social media with every hashtag possible , it’s called awareness not justice and the maximum that we have been able to achieve in all these years is some famous support and that was also possible because some of the famous celebrities too were a part of the great act. We do this because we still have hope if not pride. We know that how immensely tough it is to come out with a story like that and with a bleak ray of hope , but what happens to it, people read it, share it and support us , well it is warm to get that support but you have shown us the coldest nights that we can never forget, yet we could reminisce when we see that animal being tortured , being hanged to death and this thing going away completely , permanently.

You say it is your opinion and hence you can say whatever, you can support whoever, that you do not have to necessarily support the girl. Yes you are right, it is after all your opinion but what you fail to understand is that it is opinion like these ‘not all men are the same’ , ‘you shouldn’t generalize’ , or ‘what you are asking for, is too much’ or ‘you can’t change the world alone’, that encourage the predators. So, you basically support them, and they go and hunt. Yes, we know we can’t change the world alone, and yes not all men are the same. Also, when you say this what exactly do you try to portray? That you and the four other men around you are good, they don’t rape , well wow , good to know that out of the billion men four of y’all do not participate in this activity, but I also have another question, that if your conscience is so clear then why is your ego so fragile? We are also told not to generalize, this gets as hypo-critic as its seems, we shouldn’t generalize, well then why do you say this when I wear a bikini –‘*indistinct slut shame*, gosh all the girls are the same, showing skin’, why do you forget that you equally molest the girl wearing a burkha too.

I am supposed to be lucky because the men in my life have given me this liberty, allowed me this freedom and they can take this permission back whenever they want to. Isn’t it wonderful that how the condition of women is getting better, we are getting permissions now, yay! People say that start calling it equality not feminism well first equality is our only demand under feminism and equality? That’s too far fetched, for now just partnership will also suffice. You say that one drawback of feminism is few girls not understanding it’s true meaning and turning it into something like feminazi well it won’t be called feminazi it would be matriarchy, and that has not begun yet. You say we don’t know the proper meaning yet well congratulations to you because you perfectly know what masculinity means, because I still have your forced male hormones in me.

You see we are still like birds in the cage, allowed to fly when the masters let us, but trust me when we break out that cage, we’ll be vultures, hunting for you. And, this, sir is my opinion. 


