Hungry skins
My New Years Gift 2021
It is meant to solve hunger of the skin, which is one of the new des-eases in these pandemic times. For singles these could be the hardest times ever.
This post is all about your own touching, cuddling, stroking, and making love. And not about porn.
I guess you probably would not think of coming over to The Netherlands for an inspirational session, now. No, huh? Instead, we all have to abstain from vicinity and embracements with each other, unless we form a couple or a household.
We sadly are left alone with our thoughts about missing out on touchings. Very much alone. No calls for contact. The only ones come from porn sites. Not satisfying at all, in the end, no real love ...
Hmmm, ... why not take another path?
For instance, a path of transforming Lack of vicinity in to Profit. Does it exist? I often get this question in my practice. Yes, it does.
In order to keep preparing our bodies for real love, let's make a detour, let's make some 'homework' and profit sanely from yet unknown possibilities, whilst being single, and locked down as we are now.
Luckely there is a way to experience almost same tenderness in our body as when we are held by others, an exotic tenderness that lasts. We are capable of making this new creation in our mind.
You can join in right away. Take some time for it. Go into a stillness and half awake moment for yourself. Feel your whole body being slightly curious.
Then give attention to your head, 'see' your brain moving in its scull. Now you start rizing tenderness in yourself. Again, take your time. Don't dwell in impossibilities... Then you envelope your brain totally with tender energy, so it gets drenched by it. Take your time. Stay as tender as you can, all the time.
May be It gets even more intense when adding a little bit of playful inner lust, does it? Lust that sometimes is forbidden, but what you longed for to be living and sharing.
Tender touchings 'instruct' a particle in the brain (kinesthetic learning/learning by doing**) and increase the feel-good hormone oxytocin. Let's make it a natural, authentic, honorable action in the brain, slightly sensational and yet no need for going over the top.
You inhale the sensations and spread them inside your whole body, especially your heart. Now brain and heart, heart and brain are connected. Do you feel it? Stay with it, for a while.
We always have been able to do this from our earliest days on. When growing up most of us though have forgotten about this potency. Now you and me, we can re-instate it. Is the energy still full of tenderness? If not, chose emotions being pleasant ones. Chose them all the time.
Now, get tenderness streams right into all of your cells and fill them up. The fun side of it: our system doesn't know the difference between real and streamed touchings. We simply are capable to 'fool' the brain and enjoy the body immensely.
Now you yourself are the lover. The one that is attractive, since you can be erotic by yourself, without someone else that has to make you become erotic. May be you have been thinking you needed someone to get sexy for a long time. This is what sadly we learn from the outside, not from our inside wisdom.
The next fun side of this 'dream' is that you at the same time prepare yourself for the love in your future life. You are the one to be loved by you. First things first, I'd say. Super, huh?
Touching and making intimate physical contact, hugging, caressing and making love, preferably built up with the same person for a while, promotes health, fitness, zest for life, memory strength and much more.
It effects you even when this (temporarily) only happens within your own body, by yourself. Body and brain recognize the effects of all touchings. So, be very attentive with yourself. Don't let any thought destroy your own tenderness.
Touch is immensely important to the quality of our life. It is the unspeakable, the unspoken of, the wordless. And at the same time a real, fully grown yet sensitive language, a body and genital language for transference, connection. You just started feeling it, didn't you? Great!
Touch of the inner sensuality is an even more refined art. All of us are invited to learn it. It says an awful lot about our own kindness, our talents, and our being. You still can buitld it. Just chose it. And go on, now. Stay in contact with your inner zest.
Touch directly affects our skin -our largest organ- plus the underlying organisms, lines and cells, synapses and flows, hormones and rhythms, and of course our genitals. So, slow down a bit now and stay with possible overwhelming feelings, without a happy ending. There simply needs not to be an end to being touched.
Wake up and then go into washing the dishes whilst keeping these sensations. They will fade away ... and getting alive whenever you wish for, after having made it a habit.
You realise that you have been connecting yourself to The important Line of Love (brain, heart and genitals) and lost a bit of unhealthy neediness for touches from others. You will be sparkling, worthwhile and attractive ....
Never forget the Gift you gave yourself and your wellbeing. Take your wisdom along in the outside world.
Let's re-introduce this to our brain as a statement of love. So, as an inside meditation in stead of neediness for attractions from poisonous websites.
It has been said* that three elements in our human existing never change: soul, fingerprint and handwriting. I do sense these elements interacting lovingly, leaving us behind with a better mankind-ness through necessary changes.
Thanks for engaging into LOVE.
May this post be a gift for you, at any New Year or any Anniversary, any easter or any x'mas. You may spread it around, when ever you can ...
And when ever you need more details or support, you surely will find a way to get in Touch with me .....
Love & Light for you all, Marion