Hungry PR #20
Martin Bundock
Communications expert with an entrepreneurial mindset. Creative PR-specialist, with a focus on food and beverage, restaurants, sports, retail & lifestyle brands.
Riche Fenix—This Saturday, Riche Fenix celebrates two years with live music, DJs, and lots of classic Fenix bar food. Due to its mix of great food, atmosphere, and music, Fenix has become a regular hangout on G?tgatan.
Roda Huset - is one of my favourite cocktail bars in Stockholm, perfect for a dark autumn evening. I want to work through the extensive cocktail map and eat their pizza as the nights close in.
Akvileja —Tommy Myllym?ki has, in the last couple of weeks, taken over the fourth floor of Nordiska Kompaniet. A revitalised Bobergs Matsal, Nordiska Kantinen, and, on Monday, ‘ Akvileja’. Akvileja sells rustic seasonal salads as well as fika.
Bonus tip:
There’s a new bakery down my way, south of south, Bageri Kompass, well worth a visit if you are on this side of town.
Fantasy weekend meal:
A roasted beef brisket and courgette pickle sandwich, a packet of salt and vinegar crisps, and a cold lager.
Courgette pickle (makes a 1-litre jar)
Use a mandolin to slice 800g of courgettes and two small peeled onions into a large bowl. Sprinkle 20g salt over the vegetables, toss to combine and leave on the side for 4 hours. Gently squeeze out the water and put the veg into the jar. Put 350ml white wine vinegar, 160g sugar, 1 sliced garlic clove, 4 allspice berries, 1 tbsp yellow mustard seeds, 1 ? tsp ground turmeric and a pinch of chilli flakes. Bring to a boil and pour into the jar, leaving 1.5 cm free at the top. Cover with the lid, and leave on the side to cool before hiding it in the fridge.