Hungry for Love
Angel Abitha Chi, Bsc MBACP
Semi-retired from the health & wellbeing industry. Now an artist: stand up comedian, host/MC, model, poet, voiceovers, speaker
As a kid my mum use to complain that she did not know what to do with me because I wanted to constantly eat. I have grown up for as long as I can remember addicted to food. I battled with weight problems for most of my life. I tried this diet and that diet. I was a yo yo dieter. I was disillusioned time and time again. I finally went to rehab for food addiction. My time there was traumatic. They took me off white flour and sugar products and to my amazement all my emotions started to rise, all my childhood traumas started to come out and I released excess weight quickly. Since then I have been learning to deal with, embrace and balance my emotions. Yes I fell off the wagon at times, but now I am confident that I have won the fight.
You see, we are emotional beings and for someone who is very much like me embracing strong emotions (especially if you are an empath) can be extremely challenging. Empaths tend to have excess weight as a form of protection. So through all of this experience I decided to write an online course on how you can gain freedom from emotional eating. I am really proud of this course, it works. It helps you deal with your past, your emotions and ultimately transforms your body, your mind and your soul. This course is now been re-launched with some tweaks and a FREE MP3 meditation to help you reinforce new learnings and a new mindset around the emotional eating. If you want this freedom the course is now available to you.
I believe I went through all my trials and tribulations for a specific reason. I am proud to be able to share my experience to help others. So here it is for you to experience real transformation for yourself. Check out further details here and get a FREE ebook too: