The wisdom of the fathers
The man who gives himself to the Word and prayer, and papers and books which tend to the knowledge and love of God, will soon find a deep hunger for holiness created in his soul. For proof of all we are saying let us read some of God's living epistles, written in human hearts. Here is the testimony of the sainted Friend, David B. Updegraff: "I hated pride, ambition, evil tempers, and vain thoughts, but I had them, for all that, and they were apart of me. Not as acts to be repented of and forgiven, but as dispositions lying behind the acts, and promptings thereto, natural to the 'old man' and inseparable from his presence in my being.
I began to ask God, with a measure of faith, to 'cast him out.' Along with this desire there came A GREAT HUNGER AND THIRST to be 'filled with all the fullness of God.' I longed for a clean heart and constant spirit."..... "I went upon my knees with the resolute purpose of 'presenting my body a living sacrifice to God.'
There passed quickly before me the obstacles in the way, and the things to be suffered for Jesus' sake -- the misapprehensions, suspicions, and revilings of carnal professors, as well as the conflicts with the world, the flesh, and the devil. Selfishness, pride, and prejudice joined forces and rose in rebellion, while the 'Old man' pleaded for his life. But I could not, would not, draw back. 'Vile affections' were resolutely nailed to the cross, and those things that 'were gain to me 'denominational standing, friends, family, business, possessions, time, talent, and reputation -- were irrevocably committed to the sovereign control and disposal of my Almighty Saviour. With my all upon the altar, I had no sooner reckoned myself 'dead indeed unto sin and alive unto God,' than the 'Holy Ghost fell ' upon me. Instantly I felt the melting and refining fire of God permeating my whole being. I had entered into rest."
(from "Holiness and Power" by Aaron Merrill0 Hills)