Only the Almighty, The Strongest and The Most Powerful Element in the Universe has the privilege to monopolize the arrogance. Because He is the Creator of the Universe. He made all of creatures and things in the past and present and destroy them in the judgment day as informed in the holy books (Al-Qur’an, Bible and Torah). While, we humans we’re actually the powerless, the smallest and the weakest creatures in the universe compare to other creatures created by God in the ancient times. Why some of us, nations, people, tribes and even races are so arrogance? They boasted about their achievements and possessions. They don’t realize that all of us born into this world as vulnerable infants compare to baby animals that can stand, walk and run in the first day of their birth. Those arrogance people need to be aware that all of the belongings that they own at the moment will not be taken into the grave. How come they are so naive? Everything is measured by money, money and again money. If the poor who actually lack of it, the rich consider them as trash need to be wipe out from their face. This arrogance attitude sooner or later will destroy the rich. Why? Because the Law of Nature from God will reduce the power of the rich when their arrogance achieves its peak by sending them sudden punishment to warn them that they’re nothing, nobody, nil in the eyes of the Almighty. Avoiding the Almighty’s Punishment that will strike us for having the arrogance attitude, we, human beings need to solve this “epidemic” problem. There’s a simple solution of how to eliminate this “satanic attitude”. The solution is we need to conquer our own demon inside our soul and replace it with noble behavior what is so called HUMBLE. Means, we are told by the Almighty to be the humble people. Who are the humble people? They are the people who always spread kindness and good deeds. Love each other by creating conducive and peaceful environment. Respect everyone and willing to give help without condition. Sounds too good to be true? Not really. Even though the materialistic era is slowly but sure surrounded us, we believe that there are still numerous good people who have sincere heart and polite attitude willing to dedicate and devote their life to build and keep long lasting friendship and relationship under the motto: “Helping Others with Humbleness is the Thing that Money Can’t Buy!” .
Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 8.33 am
11th Ramadhan 1438 Hijriah
The East Tower, 38th floor,
Mega Kuningan, South JKT
Indonesia (The Land of the HUMBLE People)