HUMANTECH MARKETING. Molecular and Human marketing
Carlos Manuel de Oliveira - Humantech Marketing Futures
Humantech Marketing Researcher. Expert on Marketing + Artificial Intelligence issues. Lecturer,Speaker and Book Author.Past President EMC,Former CMO Banking, EVP Marketing and Board Member of a Financial Company.
1. Some lines from the book
In the first decade of this century, marketing is crossed by the revolution of the digital and social networks, which Kotler (2017) calls Marketing 4.0. The same author (2021), defines Marketing 5.0, as “the application of human-mimicking technologies to create, communicate, deliver, and enhance value across the customer journey...the next tech is a group of technologies that aim to emulate the capabilities of human marketers”.
Also Rajamannar (2021) following scenarios pointed out by Kotler, writes that the 5th paradigm – Quantum Marketing – is a new era of exponential disruptions, caused by the emergent technologies. According to him “...the resulting changes in the consumer landscape call for marketers to tap into the dynamics of the new paradigm and reinvent their entire approach”
Apart from Kotler and Rajamannar, several authors have been publishing about the disruptive impact of the so-called new technologies in marketing and in the society. Particularly, I would mention Quinn, Colon, Dru, Parvatiyar, Sisodia, Wind, Viswanathan, Zaltman, Gabriel, Day, Batra, Prudente et al, Shainesh, Brock, Moutinho, Kumar, Shah, Malhotra, Lecinski, among others.
I advocate that the way marketing is following will lead to, what I call, Molecular and Human Marketing, the era of the Humantech, as all technological and industrial activities are going to be developed and focused in the Human Being, in their needs and interests – what marketing has been promising since its birth – but possible now at a molecular perspective, creating and delivering offers and individualized experiences to them, faced not only as consumers, but at holistic Human Beings.
The exponential evolution of technology is so, that corporate structures can hardly follow its pace, and disrupt traditional methods, so that they can benefit from all the new possibilities, it brings to management.
In this environment, marketers are facing new challenges, not only working with the new digital marketing techniques, but also having the ability to understand all the benefits they can get from the 4th and 5th industry revolutions, namely a new cost-benefit scenario, and new personalization capabilities.
With automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine and Deep Learning, performing the repetitive tasks of mining Big Data, marketers are being enhanced on their job of creation, innovation, empathy and ethics, completing the algorithmic power of the computer, with their strategic vision, integrated thinking, intuition, imagination, giving “birth” of “the age of augmented marketers (Brinker, 2021) and a new era of marketing and its capacity to be prospective.
In the end, a real symbiosis Man-Machine, the convergence of ciber-physics, will allow information flows and conversation among humans, machines and algorithms.
This new era is characterized, as far as marketing is concerned, by sustainability and global environment, requiring a sustainable marketing approach, in line with corporates sustainable strategies, focusing not only on their shareholders, but into all the companies’ stakeholders. The way is open to a new business framework and to a new market economy, facing Corporate Responsibility, already considered mainstream (Varadarajan, Rajan, 2018), and to Conscious Capitalism.
This book covers the new technologies that are and will be available in the next years, their impact in marketing and management, on a going on process of the merger of them (Scott, 2021), and some present topical issues marketing is facing in present times and in the near future.
This paradigm shift – totally focused on the human being (and not only on the consumer) – is going to be possible by:
Carlos Manuel de Oliveira