Carlos Manuel de Oliveira - Humantech Marketing Futures
Humantech Marketing Researcher. Expert on Marketing + Artificial Intelligence issues. Lecturer,Speaker and Book Author.Past President EMC,Former CMO Banking, EVP Marketing and Board Member of a Financial Company.
“To me, human-centered AI is not just about the applications of AI, which might provide social value, whether in health or education. It’s also about how we create and design those AI systems, who we involve in that development, and how we foster a process that’s more human centered as we create and evaluate AI systems.”
?James Landay, Professor de Computer Science, Stanford University
2025 é o ano da Ciência e Tecnologia Quantica
10 quest?es que se devem colocar para avaliar se os rob?s s?o desenhados para o “bem” (*)?
1.???? How did you come up with a definition for “good” in your project, and what specific societal “goods” will it lead to?
2.???? Who is this actually good for?
3.???? Who is this project not good for, and in what ways?
4.???? How do you measure whether the outcome of the robot is good or not?
5.???? Which stakeholders were involved in the design?
6.???? What are the limitations of the robot – what can it not do?
7.???? What are the potential negative consequences of the robot?
8.???? What structures need to be put in place to guard againsthe potential negative consequences, and by whom?
9.???? How have you protected the users against the potential harms of the robot?
10.? How and to what degree do you make the capabilities, limitations, potential consequences, biases of the robot transparent to specific audiences?
(*) ?abanovi?, S., Charisi, V., Belpaeme, T., Bethel, C. L., Matari?, M., Murphy, R., & Levy-Tzedek, S. (2023). “Robots for good”: Ten defining questions. Science Robotics, 8(84), eadl4238.