Humans Together Strong

Humans Together Strong

Humans Together Strong. That is my Just Cause. It is my LIFE/work; my Purpose and soulful passion. United we stand, divided we fall... is a deep and meaningful mantra for me. It is neither "gimmick" nor "hook". Unity... without itdivision, distraction, defeat.? With it… stand, deliver and win; however we best define it. Humans Together Strong is core to my being and doing... and sense of Service.

Discerned Decision Time

In this Special Edition of Aim High, I share on a major decision made. On Naw Ruz yesterday... I made the well considered and discerned decision...

... around my own Next Chapter... and formally submitted my intention for retiring from full time teaching June 30, 2024. Retiring for me is "re-tiring" ... putting new "tires" on for the Next Chapter.??That said, I know that there are more purposeful ...

... adventures ahead... and some teaching for sure. Indeed, I am an Educator by Spirit... and I do believe in the words...

  • The function of education is to teach one to think intensely and to think critically.? Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. --- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

And that said, and for me, a new Dawn is breaking.

That new Dawn takes me ever deeper into Humans Together Strong... and my LIFE/work. That is indeed and in deed... my Just Cause.

It always has been even as a child, while I might not have articulated it thusly then. As a deep believer in the Vision of Star Trek since its beginning, I understood and understand this. As a Leadership Educator, Speaker, Coach, Author and Creator helping Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders nobly lead for a better world at school, work, business and community; advancing Character, Purpose and Unity... I understand this.

Humans Together Strong is my infinite game. As The Unity Guy with Epic Engage, I study and practice and champion on strategies for advancing such... with an ongoing body of work including...

  • 44 years in leadership training and development, managing and leading
  • 30 years in business education and coaching
  • Master Facilitator with the Virtues Project? since 2004
  • Certified Facilitator with Personality Dimension? since 2004
  • Certified Super Host Leader and Mature Consumer Trainer, 2002
  • Facilitator with the Ruhi Institute since 2001
  • and Practitioner of the work of What Color is Your Parachute? since 1982....

... and I will continue to explore and advance same. Indeed, and these days... my increased focus is around Stoicism and Character and Leadership. With my discerned decision yesterday, my vital and keener attention is on being that Leadership Educator, Speaker, Coach and Creator working to build a better world at school, work, business and community... and to help nobilize leadership, mobilize mission and humanize culture.

And... TUGtv is a huge part of that ... all about human to human conversation around matters of ideas and thoughts... including but not limited to immigration, business, nation building, self care, care for others and Humanity.

It is about exploring being nobly human in the world for a better future and world. Every show ties into this notion of Humans Together Strong. Every show directly or indirectly drives home three ideas ...

  • that our Humanity is our highest standard,
  • that the human spirit is our best path forward,
  • and that together we are indomitable.

Whether BroadCAST Live or Talk Reel or #hUmaNITY or TUGtalks and Digital Coffees... or more to come... we collectively move the needle on these ideas. And Conversation is an action. I and we use it to advance these ideas... and have fun doing it.

Certainly, I am a "student" with every episode of TUGtv. That in mind and heart... with my decision yesterday, I was reminded that LP Jacks described what I consider to be my own notion of "Studentry" as...

Going forward, I choose Studentry over mastery. But they are one in the same to me. For me, I have had a lifelong and robust fascination with Character and Purpose and Unity as cool forces for Strength and constructive change; ever since I can remember. A huge part of my Studentry. Indeed and in deed... it is my practice of KNOWledge.

It is my focus of Studentry. Yes, my Just Cause is Humans Together Strong... building a better world and future. And I study, practice and advance on it.

So, this is certainly a new Dawn for me. I will continue to teach, but with a renewed and selective Purpose. Everything I do forward will be discernably and decidedly with this deep belief of Humans Together Strong. This is my brickwork.

  • For you, what is your Just Cause?
  • How can you move the needle on that?

And, if you are interested in working along side on mine... feel free to reach out.

Justice, Peace and Unity...

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

  • Through my work, I offer what I call Free Thought, including random and regular blog articles, two newsletters, and TUGtv... all free and ad free. They serve who I call Leaducators, Emergents and Communitrepreneurs.

Some Other Thoughts, Ideas and Books to Ponder...


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