The Humanity of War - Dale K. Hathaway

The Humanity of War - Dale K. Hathaway

War is never pleasant and because of that it is often viewed strategically, globally, as a necessary tool that leads to a greater good. It is justified because the alternative is tyranny, unacceptable, or tragic. There is a quote, often wrongly attributed to 18th Century Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke, that effectively summarizes a reason for going to war: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

The last war that truly unified the country was probably World War II. There were clear evil enemies, Hitler in Nazi Germany and Japan because of the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor, and our country was united in its response. There have been numerous wars since, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the War in Iraq, but none have had the united support of the country the way it was with World War II. The War in Afghanistan, had a catalyst in the 9/11 attacks which was eerily similar to the infamous December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor attack, yet even with that spark, the country was not as united as it was during World War II.?

Rather than the global, national, overall perspective from 30,000 feet, another way to view these conflicts is to consider them through the eyes of those directly involved. In recent conflicts the news media have at times reported on the personal side of the conflict, showing interest in telling some of the individual stories. Recent wars have not been very unifying from the national perspective, but we all relate to how people are impacted.

In the global view we see border lines change and the impact on nations, but the personal view, told from the perspective of the foot soldier, the airman, and the sailor, lets us in on the burdens which these wars and battles have on an individual and their family. There are certainly bravery, faithfulness, and duty, which are celebrated, but there are also the more hidden emotions of fear, terror, and the uncertainty of the unknown. There is now significant support for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), but the way World War II soldiers tried to handle the pressure was to simply not talk about it. That has turned out to be both their loss and ours.

Now, if they get permission, combatants can fly back to be a part of a significant family event, like seeing a parent or grandparent before they pass away, or being there for a child’s surgery. But during World War II, these were not even options. Soldiers were overseas for the duration of their term and typically were only able to return when their mission was complete. They missed out on important events like family weddings, births, and graduations.

Their families also suffered because of lack of communication. There were no cell phones to provide instant communication, and mail delivery took not just days but weeks. Did the lack of mail from their loved one in the service mean something tragic had happened, or was it simply because of the time it took for the letter to arrive, when it possibly had to come across the ocean on a boat? While all military families experience a sense of dread, during World War II that apprehension was ever present since there were few opportunities for current up-to-date information like through a phone call. Take those in the Air Corps; if a plane did not come back to base it would be reported as MIA, missing in action. Back then, even the military might not know if the plane was shot down, if the crew was alive or dead, maybe prisoners of war, or possibly interned in a neutral country, and the family would be told MIA often days or weeks after the mission actually happened

With the end of World War II now almost 80 years ago, we are nearing a point where the last of those who not only fought for our freedom, but also for the world’s freedom, are succumbing to the fight that no one wins, that of age. We are losing the last few surviving members of this Greatest Generation, which is why their stories are more important now than ever.

Before they are all gone, it is imperative that the true stories of the soldiers of the Greatest Generation are preserved. Personal accounts are wonderful and provide a perspective of actual experience. In cases where our heroes have passed away, it is possible that much of their stories can be constructed by things they left behind, stories they told and letters they wrote. However these stories are obtained, it is through these personal stories that we get a glimpse of the humanity of war.

About Letters from a WWII Airman by Dale K. Hathaway

Letters from a WWII Airman: How his faith sustained him, is the true story of one of those men from what we acknowledge as “the “Greatest Generation”. Like so many who experienced war, Ken Hathaway (1918-2001) was reluctant to talk about those experiences, but the letters and scrapbooks he left behind contained information that, when pieced together, provided a compelling story of:

●?????? The experiences of training for and participating in aerial combat in World War II.

●?????? An account of being interned in a neutral country.

●?????? The importance of connections with family and friends.

●?????? The significance of his Christian faith.

●?????? The wartime romance that developed because of the military service.

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