Humanity is the Virtue by Innate Necessity
A boundless human endeavor bound by limited mortal existence
Humanity is the outcome of continuous human evolution working en route towards ultimate moral perfection. Its constituents, so we call, “the humans” are aimlessly leading the way towards a never-ending “perfection”; Yet some attempt on an unswerving into unclear, where others are the metaphoric epitome of stride in the “reel of the hamster.”
Humanity is a buzzword that is rhetorically used and frequently abused. It is a rewarding experience to our ego, even though we legitimize it based on the concept of Altruism. It merely defines the teaching and moral custom of solicitude for the happiness of other fellow human beings or animals, resulting in a higher quality of life, both material and spiritual. The irony of all is the definition of quality and the threshold by which we define the last class or, in other words, perfection.
Perfection is a kind of human quality that is selfish because the former is the satisfaction of all human egotism. Human perfectionism feeds of its fulfillment from the human condition that symbolizes love and compassion towards others. Humanity differs from sheer righteousness in that there is a level of benevolence towards individuals contained within the “humanity” more so than the fairness found within justice. However, once satisfied, the said desire through perfection so has fulfilled that not so attractive trait, thus ego.
The stride for perfection is never-ending
We all have heard notions such as — “ I am not a competitive person. Or I’m “OK” with losing as long as I have a good time playing.” Or even- things like, “I am competitive against myself. “
Even those who deny being perfectionist, they still continue seeking excellence, where that unconscious perfection is admiring what they enjoy most in a- let’s say a game!
The extreme Altruism, by definition, is about selflessness, the antonym of what we refer to as selfish behavior. However, if we observe carefully, both selfishness and selflessness are, in fact, nothing but the same phenomenon, only targeting opposite persons. They both drive to perfection, and the end result is a feeling of personal satisfaction.
Life has a purpose with unlimited options for perfection
“ Everyone sees perfection differently.”
Humanity and Altruism come in many shapes and forms. Some emanate in the name of brotherhood, few as a charity, and others, yet prominent groups, show their humanistic side in the context of their faith and religion.
There is an unlimited reason for how people act the way they do and believe in what they find. While doing that, they strive for the best. For instance, the western philosophical school, Platonism, defines perfect life in the attainment of the highest form of knowledge, which is the Form of the Good, from which all right and just things derive utility and value.
The Mohist scholars speculated that the objective of life was based on universal, impartial love. Mohism nurtured a philosophy of sincere caring as a person should attend equally for all other people, regardless of their implied relationship. The manifestation of this indiscriminate caring is what gives rise to a righteous man in Mohism.
On the other hand, the religious viewpoints on the importance of life are those doctrines that understand life in terms of an implicit objective not defined by humans but defined by an ultimate power; God!
There are many more ideals where human epitomes rest upon, most streaming from the popular definition. It is subject to variation and modification for every era and niche.
Nevertheless, searching for perfection in humanity may not always keep us in the track of selflessness. As a matter of fact, it may instead and quickly turn selfish, and furthermore, evil too.
Humanity has gone wrong too many times
Ideals have taken us to undesirable places.
The appetite to improve human experience ultimately takes us to relinquish much of what we deem as human. For instance, modern society, in comparison to life in Europe in the 1200s, sees drastic dissimilarities in the way they relate to humanity. In many respects, we of the 21st-century tenants could be considered “superhuman” or clearly “inhuman” from a dark age’ viewpoint. So, Ideals and perfection are subjective and might seem possible for some and impossible for others.
The ultimate danger of socially accepted Altruism and ideals of humanity is the ignorance of its deviance from our own perceived norms and those of others.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
It is inevitably manifest that by nature, there has been blundering forward series of coincidences in humanity, leading to a sequel of new varieties overseeing new forms and situations which define the everchanging target for ideal human endeavor. However, once we fall short of recognizing and respecting fellow social norms amid normative diversity, that is when we must also expect more conflicts.
Perfection is a human destination, or is it?!
Some believe perfection is a destination, not a journey. Because the longing to be perfect disadvantages, many people. It ironically exposes them to misery. We might believe that striving to be perfect is attractive. But perfection implies a state of flawlessness. It is thought that Seeking perfection at a particular task such as getting excellent grades as a student might be conceivable or accomplishing a perfect job. Yet, the objective of being perfect in life is a different anecdote. In contrast to the former scenario where defines perfection as a destination, fulfillment in life is indeed anything but!
The very notion of perfection is grounded in the paradigm of Newton’s mechanistic universe. Humans have never aimed at being perfect, as the expression implies- “I’m just a human.”
Human culture is relentlessly moving toward a more significant emphasis on achievement, productivity.
The contradiction of humans and humanity is that to ever struggle to be perfect indicates that we may not be at peace, hence impedes our forward progress. In other words, the balance consequent to pausing from the inevitable advancement permits innate growth.
The ultimate perfection is the unrealistic doctrine of humanity
We the humans irrepressibly attempt exploring what we feel is reliable into the ineffable, the day in and the day out. Some call it- racing in the hamster wheel.
Photo by Svyatoslav Romanov on Unsplash
The vicious circle of perfection, Altruism, and humanity will keep going unless we halt our own ego or selfless agency. Nevertheless, we barely intentionally stop “the wheel” only for the reason that we all need a purpose in life. In effect, the aim seems to be our redeemer in the corporate world we live in as they want for meaning is a defining factor of humanity.
Human beings strive for destiny and even suffer serious inner difficulties when we don’t have those mentioned above. The purpose is a fundamental element of a fulfilling life, and perfection is its fuel. They make us feel vested, thus when we dearth the use of self-actualization, a real feeling of unease every so often develops each and every time our attention isn’t occupied by external effects. That can epitomize itself in ennui, anxiety, and depression. To funnel our mental dynamisms into, purpose implies spending less engaged in the associational conversation of our minds. This is to some degree accomplished by externalizing our devotion; and thru relentless uttering activities, which not uncommonly prompts negative thoughts and sentiments.
This article was originally published by Illumination on Medium